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  1. B

    Hows it looking?

    Tight, I have another one in the yard that is catching up quick. Its just a little smaller and I planted it about 3 or 4 days after. It is in the actual ground though as this one is in a self watering pot. (Just reconnected the self watering part and filled it up with water about a day ago) Also...
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    Hows it looking?

    Its outdoors, the sun
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    Hows it looking?

    Does it look normal for a week old plant?
  4. B

    my plants stem is hanging down to the right about half of the way down to the dirt

    Is it still in a knot? lol.. Thats crazy. Nothing happened to it?
  5. B

    Good Types of Soil

    Actually pro mix has been discontinued, I went to home depot the other day and the guy said they discontinued production of it and it is no longer in there system. I went ahead and bought some scotts potting soil mix. So far it is doing alright
  6. B

    leafs turning yellow

    If they are the round leaves that look alot smoother than the other ones, then from what I've read (I've been reading alot about growing lately) it is perfectly normal. The very bottom leaves are supposed to fall off at some point in the vegetative state.
  7. B

    Hows it looking?

    I germinated some seeds the start of summer and planted them. The plant is 8 days old from the time it sprouted out of the soil. I would just like to know how it is doing so far? :bigjoint: It seems like a strong plant so far and a nice shade of green, (Probably can't see to well cause of...
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    Diy 100% H2o2

    What he said
  9. B

    Couple of Problems

    I've began growing for the first time and all seems well so far but when I went and checked on my plant today I had a couple of mushrooms that popped up over night. I assume this means that I am over watering my plant, but I just want to double check and make sure. What should I do? Also when I...
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    Hows she look ? pic

    Or they are so smart that there lateral thinking capabilities have diminished? lol Nice plant though
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    Monster sativa...yield???

    Loving the cat that looks like its about to attack it, lol
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    Good Types of Soil

    Jumped ahead of myself and already found some good brands, but if you still feel like recommending some then please feel free. They might not be listed on the faq and may be good to try. Sorry for the useless post
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    Good Types of Soil

    What are some recommended brands of soil to purchase for growing marijuana, as far as the good ph levels, starting nutrients, et cetera? I am a beginning outdoor grower, and I would like to do everything right the first time.
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    Sativa or Indica

    what did you do put a straw down in the dirt and drop a seed in?