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  1. D

    Smoking Buds Befor Their Time!?

    Hey Purple, This is a Dynafem Amnesia. Sativa dominant for sure. I am at 49 days now and can see some of the color change beginning. I have taken one of the lower buds off to dry and compare to the first sample. Trying to figure out the best rapid drying method. Right now I have it hanging...
  2. D

    Smoking Buds Befor Their Time!?

    I have been thinking that about 60-65 days would be harvest time. I am at 39 days now. With the buds being reasonably potent now, is that time fram likely shorter? I will start inspecting the Trichomes in a week or so. Thanks again.
  3. D

    Help me decide what to grow next! +REP for good answers :)

    I know this is 2 months old but, gotta say my Amnesia has been one incredible plant!! Potent, Plentiful and Beautiful! Ciao,
  4. D

    Smoking Buds Befor Their Time!?

    Hello All, First a grand thank you to RIU for all the help! This is my first grow and it could not have gone any better thanks to everyone here. Now on to my discovery! I accidentally broke off a small branch on the bottom of the plant while changing water last week. There were a couple of...