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  1. L


    Hey guys, First up it's weird that your mother is flowering so early on her own.. definately check your timer. It is harder to get a clone to clone if you are already flowering but it should take... Clones tend to wilt when you first cut them and it will depend on the temperature and light and...
  2. L


    Yeah man definately buy 2 and make sure they are decent ones... i had 2 cheap ones.. Both decided to die due to their crap make and nothing to do with overloading from too much power. After reading many posts on here about plants going Hermie i was crapping myself.. Fortunately none of my...
  3. L

    secret to fat buds

    Best thing i can recommend is to read a lot of these posts and look around on sites for tips and try google "a complete guide to growing marijuana". You can learn a lot from reading other peoples posts..
  4. L

    secret to fat buds

    Hey buddy.. Can u take your plant outside or in a good kitchen light or something and take some pics?? close up of the bud if you can.. Might be a stupid quesion but are you sure they are female?? I know in some pics it looks like there are some hairs around but the buds look reral scraggly...
  5. L

    Neighbours threatening police

    I dunno what the tax thing on the car means cause I'm not from your country but you should inconspicuously let them know that you know about it.. see if it's an unspoken knowledge then it's scarier then one that you have argued over.. And if you hide your shit then hide it up high where...
  6. L


    too much water or nutrients can cause burnt tips.. you may think add more to help the sick plant but it's usually too much that makes it sick to start with.. if u use aluminium foil then face the blurry side in as this will work like a frosted bulb and won't focus so much heat directly.. I use...
  7. L

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    Swap rooms with your housemate who had the party.. leave the stuff in the cupboard and ask the landlord to evict him cause "you had no idea"
  8. L

    my plants

    LAck of Light all round. Save the fan.. give your stems a bend here and there.. gently but firmly.. light and movement will stimulate and bush them out well... I have found fans work slightly.. they will thicken if you give them a bend. the thickening will cause new nodes to be closer...
  9. L

    Tips to increase in veg growth and yeild?

    Hey Bill. Sounds like you are getting some great yeilds there. Do you find that you slow down the growth with topping though? I have found (so far) that when i snap by accident this slows growth in order for the plant to heal. I have found that bending and tying tends to promote growth as the...
  10. L

    Tips to increase in veg growth and yeild?

    I try not to break them. but if you snap a top (topping) by accident then you will have 2 branches come out and start going. It's up to you but you can then run 2 sticks off in different directions and the cycle continues. I am using bag ties to tie them to bamboo sticks. The plants seem to...
  11. L

    Tips to increase in veg growth and yeild?

    I have found that any fan leaves tend to stick out horizontally already. At every node the fan leaves stick out and the new branches grow up and out. So it tends to sort itself all out. I might post some pics tomorrow to show what i have been doing. I have quite a few clones so i might even...
  12. L

    Tips to increase in veg growth and yeild?

    Hey buddy. I am on my first grow but i have been researching for about 20 hrs per week for about 3 months. First 2 months was spent sexing my babies and so now i am getting serious about growing for yeild. I have found that bending the grow tips gently will cause more nodes to start at say 1.5cm...
  13. L

    whats wrong??

    Tie the top down.. bend it gently for about a week.. it will cause it to branch out.. The more you bend (gently) the more it branches out.. Also your lights might be too far away