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  1. S

    purple not always a deficiency.....have a look

    Hey guy's, I have some purple stuff going on with my plants that I am not sure if it is a deficiency or not. This is my second time growing this strain/ sagmartha cheesewreck. Roots organic soil with dolomite and perlite added. soul synthetics nutes by roots in r/o water ph of 6.3/6.4. Should I...
  2. S

    Purple stems and viens of leaves

    here are some pics
  3. S

    Purple stems and viens of leaves

    Anyone out there?
  4. S

    Purple stems and viens of leaves

    Hey guy's, I have some sagmartha cheesewreck clones that are 3 weeks into veg in roots organic soil with dolomite and perlite added. I am using roots soul synthetic line at 1/2 strength- soul grow,infinity and amino aide in r/o water ph of 6.3/6.4. As the days pass I notice...