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  1. Mrs Green fingers

    Super cheese scrog. 1st time...advice needed

    Growing them slightly taller and cleaning them up by trimming off whats underneath the scrog helps you see and access the underneath to water
  2. Mrs Green fingers

    Amnesia Haze ??

    the humidity is between 30 - 40 and temps are between 74-80 with a full filtration kit and fresh air being pumped in all is going really well at the mo so fingers crossed it should be ready just before Xmas !! bongsmilie
  3. Mrs Green fingers

    Amnesia Haze ??

    hi yeah the seeds were hy-pro my hubby drove from France to Germany and on the way back popped in to a place in holland and brought them back for me ( good man) out of the 3 they all germinated but one, once into flower has just gown huge in comparison to the others it's defiantly going to be a...
  4. Mrs Green fingers

    Amnesia Haze ??

    Thank you i just wish they were all like it caus boy they are big and still 5 weeks to go :leaf:
  5. Mrs Green fingers

    Amnesia Haze ??

    Hi I'm a newby to this site and to growing I'm on my third soil indoor grow, My hubby brought me some Amnesia haze back from the Dam so I thought I'd give them a go all 3 took and are now 7 weeks into flower and looking good but my question is the one in the picture (taken 6 weeks into flower)...