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  1. K

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    Thanks for your responses, I'll shoot Mrs. RD an email... I'm germinating my seeds in Vermifire soil. Using Aptus Facilitator and StartBoost along with my NPK. The ones that did pop only took 2 days, like Clankie said.
  2. K

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    Not sure if this tread is still monitored. I planted 10 of RD 501st (ordered from Attitude Seed Bank ) and only 1/2 of them popped. What should I do??
  3. K

    Are Seeds From a Hermie Bad to Plant?

    If the plant was pollinated by a male (different stand), what traits would the plant take on if I DID decide to try to plant the seeds? We aren't sure exactly what caused the problem, it may have been pollinated from a male (which turned out to be crap weed) or stressed/light poisoning The...
  4. K

    What's the Best Way to Separate Veg From Flowering? On the Cheap....

    Thats funny, I was looking for the "like" button too! Thanks for your reassurance... I appreciate it! Happy growing!!
  5. K

    What's the Best Way to Separate Veg From Flowering? On the Cheap....

    Ya.. that seems like an option. Good to know it is working for you. What are you using to veg?
  6. K

    Are Seeds From a Hermie Bad to Plant?

    Thanks! Good to know!!! I've got a ton :P
  7. K

    What's the Best Way to Separate Veg From Flowering? On the Cheap....

    There are vents to the tent where some light can seep in.
  8. K

    Are Seeds From a Hermie Bad to Plant?

    We had a hermie from our last crap. We saved a few seeds. What would the traits be of that seed? Will it also produce another hermie?? If I had another plant that had some stress or light poisoning and produce seeds... are those good to plant? Or is it garbage in garbage out??? Gracias :)-
  9. K

    What's the Best Way to Separate Veg From Flowering? On the Cheap....

    Ok - Here is my deal. I have a room in my house I dedicate to growing. I currently have a tent in that room that is doing it all. I want to convert that tent into the 12/12 tent, and set up a veg light on the outside somehow... without using a tent. My concern is how to keep the light from...
  10. K

    When is it too late to clone?

    I just switched over to 12/12, is it too late to make some clones?
  11. K

    Oh no! What did I do???

    That is exactly what happened.
  12. K

    Anyone know where to get replacement poles for my grow tent?

    I had a mishap and my tent partially collapsed bending two of my 4 vertical poles. I have them jimmy rigged right now but would feel more comfortable replacing them. It is for a Secret Jardin 5x5x8 setup. Thanks for any advice. :leaf:
  13. K

    Oh no! What did I do???

    I have one 1000 w that was enough to make me want to cry. LOL!
  14. K

    Oh no! What did I do???

    Thanks for the reply, I think they will be fine, just need some reassurance. Glad you were able to make lemonade out of lemons in your situation! ;-)
  15. K

    Oh no! What did I do???

    Thanks guys! I think they look good, hard to say how it will be in a few days though, hopefully with the extra soil and TLC they will be fine. I will be crossing my fingers! I was a dumbass and closed the vent to the tent, I have an outside fan/filter setup so the suction caused the collapse. Do...
  16. K

    Oh no! What did I do???

    I was going to start my 12/12 cycle this morning and went to turn off the light in my grow tent, no problem, realized about an hour later that the side vent was open which daylight was seeping through. I placed the closure over the vent, went about my business. I noticed a few minutes later...