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  1. JasonW

    New Mexico marijuana laws

    In NM, registered or licensed medical marijuana patients have the right to possess up to six ounces of usable cannabis, four mature plants and 12 seedlings.
  2. JasonW

    What now California? What is in the wind for California?

    The feds will get involved whenever they feel like it, whether it be 1 plant or 99 plants. What they primarily look for are "large scale producers" who are producing mass quantities without the documentation to prove that said amounts are required. The reason being that this undocumented product...
  3. JasonW

    Shipping laws

    ^Bingo. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  4. JasonW

    Dispensary in WA

    ^This is exactly correct.
  5. JasonW

    Medical Marijuana Cultivation(Felony Probation, Cannabis, California)

    She should be alright. BUT, I would absolutely check with her parole officer first, just to make sure. Don't assume that it's fine just because I said so, get the answer directly from the source (parole officer).
  6. JasonW

    Dispensary in WA

    City and State and Federal - just like any other business. It's perfectly legal to sell in the state as long as you're properly licensed and paying your taxes and licensing fees.
  7. JasonW

    Whats the worst care scenario. CAUGHT GROWING 50 PLANTS IN SOCAL!

    Well, by law, if you're dealing with end users and not dispensaries, then you have to be licensed to do both - growing and delivering.
  8. JasonW

    Co and wa legalized mj

    Very true, although the state has long been taxing the businesses already, the tax rate is going up with these new regulations. It will surely drive up prices, but hopefully not too much. I do think that not allowing the producers, processors and retailers to be the same business is a mistake...
  9. JasonW

    Dispensary in WA

    Dispensaries are legal in the state of Washington. We've worked on a getting a lot of them legally setup over the last few years, in fact. For now, they must be run as a non-profit and usually structured as a co-operative. It heavily depends on the county and city how they require it to be...
  10. JasonW

    MI and CO......The Reciprocity Laws

    Similar to what Guy Incognito said: It IS legal, now whether the proprietors of the dispensary will believe you and sell medication to you will be a whole other thing. But as others have said as well, try and find out. It's not illegal, so it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. Hope that helps.
  11. JasonW

    Regarding shipping

    It depends, the second it crosses state lines, that's federal and they don't take kindly to that kind of shipping. The water is murky if it's inter-state. If you use USPS, that's a federal agency and since medical marijuana is illegal on a federal level, the repercussions are and will be...
  12. JasonW

    Whats the worst care scenario. CAUGHT GROWING 50 PLANTS IN SOCAL!

    1) Maybe. But why risk it when he can get a card and grow that much - for personal use only, though? The second you start distributing to anyone other than you, the waters will get murky and the consequences will get bigger and uglier. 2) Yes, but it will actually have to be setup as one. You...