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  1. I

    DinaFem Diesel Grow

    yeh it wont let me click "manage attachments" either, shame, got some good pics here for ya too,lol, oh well ay, hope its going better now!
  2. I

    DinaFem Diesel Grow

    haha i know yeh, smells nice even at veg stage the diesel. you wait till she starts buddin man! sweeet! Re-potted mine on the 13th as planned now just waitin for her roots to go "yesssss freedomm" and hoping I get another foot in height atleast. Also gonna start using budding nutes on her next...
  3. I

    DinaFem Diesel Grow found this PH lockout guide for you buddy!
  4. I

    DinaFem Diesel Grow

    Yeah, Nitrogen efficiency will drop lots if PH levels are above 8 or below 6. If your PH levels are higher than 10 or lower than 4 Nitrogen will be completely locked out and growth will all but stop, as seen in your latest pics. You need to get PH tester (litmus paper) and make sure your levels...
  5. I

    DinaFem Diesel Grow

    Hey Fatbluntz, Here's some pics. She's the same age as yours minus one day. Here she is so far :- day 1-2. Covered the pot for the first 2 days with cling film with holes in for breathers, like a little incubator, worked a treat and gave some initial length to the sprout. 3 autoflower...
  6. I

    DinaFem Diesel Grow

    Got mine as freebie from herbies too. Not grown any before but I've been told its Lemon n Limey with a hint of diesel Fuel (asif someones taste tested diesel,lol) Its 60-65% sativa which i presume is what throws people off, but to be fair, 3 days starving followed by 3 days dark, right before...
  7. I

    DinaFem Diesel Grow

    Yehh get on it ;) I'm gonna go into town tomorrow n get a data cable also for some pic updates for ya. I do check this forum daily though so will be good to see your progress. peace!
  8. I

    DinaFem Diesel Grow

    Hey FatBluntz, As luck would have it, I too started my first dinafem diesel on the 7th like a day after you so if I can help in any way I will. Im Currently in a 60x60x140cm tent with a mist making machine, self made shade, 2 X 125w 5700k CFL's and a 6" clip-on fan to...