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  1. D

    finally got the camera working...(purple urkle)

    dude bud looks fucking amazing. you should work on you photography though
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    LSD + MDMA = Good Shit? Candy Flip

    I've done acid and mdma (both for the first time at bonnaroo last year, but thats another story). I had an awesome time when I did the mdma. We ingested about 10-15 mg each. I dunno much about the dosing of the mdma but we had an awesome fucking time. I dont know if it was made better by the...
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    Adderall + Indica = great high

    Just smoked a few bowls of some crazy Northern Lights, blowing about 40 mg of crushed up adderall and ingesting 20 mg of powder. My head is racing from the amphetamines and i have a great body buzz from the weed. Very very relaxing and stimulating. Also the adderall makes me able to type...
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    Garden Cloning questions. (Not weed)

    Any plant can. Do it the same way as with weed.
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    new closet stealth grow

    I've got 8 sprouts in 4 pots. I'll be moving one of the sprouts I have two in each pot. They are 8" pots, so that shouldnt be a problem right? I'm using 8 23 watt, 2 100 watt, and 1 46 watt bulb using miracle grow organic soil. I'd like to start these on flowering as quickly as possible to...
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    new closet stealth grow

    I've got 8 sprouts in 4 pots. I'll be moving one of the sprouts I have two in each pot. They are 8" pots, so that shouldnt be a problem right? I'm using 8 23 watt, 2 100 watt, and 1 46 watt bulb using miracle grow organic soil. I'd like to start these on flowering as quickly as possible to...
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    This a male or female?

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    Whats up guys?

    My names Greg. I'm new here and I am hoping to learn a lot about growing and such. I'm a Freshman at Ohio State and I live in North Jersey when I'm not at school. First smoked freshman year of high school and I've been hooked ever since.
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    Just decided to grow (pics)

    Moved lights to three inches. In the past 12 hours since that picture was taken I've seen some significant growth. The 4th set of leaves are starting to grow.
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    Just decided to grow (pics)

    Thanks guys. I moved the lights to about 2 inches. I water it about once every 2 days; whenever the soil starts to dry out. I only wanted one plant just to see if I could grow it. If its a male then thats okay, I am just trying to learn for now. This summer and next year I plan on growing a...
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    Just decided to grow (pics)

    That stuff was in the soil that I bought, I didnt add it. Should I change it out for new soil?
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    Just decided to grow (pics)

    Thanks man
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    Just decided to grow (pics)

    Thanks for the tips and comments guys. I'll be out of school by the time flowering should start. Does is smell at all during veg? I'm gonna head over to the chem building tomorrow and get litmus paper so I can get a pH on the soil and water. It should be like 6.5 ideally right?
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    lay some new bands on me

    Streetlight Manifesto RX Bandits Long Beach Dub All-Stars
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    Just decided to grow (pics)

    I would do that except for I live in a dorm and there isnt anywhere I could grow it safely. So my closet is the best bet lol
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    Just decided to grow (pics)

    Thanks for the tips. It was using just sunlight for the first two weeks, thats why its small.
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    Just decided to grow (pics)

    I'm new here and this is my first shot at growing. It's just a small plant in my closet. I'm growing in miracle grow soil with 2 42 watt CFL's and an intake and exhaust fan. The plant is 22 days old. Any tips/opinions are welcome. Thanks.