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  1. N

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Thanks UB that's what I thought. Stay with the maintenance amounts? I found a chart online and figured just like you said extend it out and ignore the bloom adds and read the plant.
  2. N

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    UB. First I would like to thank you for some nice inputs. I too was one that was led down the dark path of nutrients. I have pulled out some nice yields but never really happy. I have read a lot about the Dyna-gro and going to go with that line for my next run. I am a full soil person and have...
  3. N

    DinaFem Diesel Grow Sorry didnt' notice what you were watering with but looks like Mag deficiency. Distilled or RO water add Cal-Mag