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  1. P

    Some fairly noobish questions on MH / HPS Lighting Systems

    Hey, that looks like a great deal... except they don't ship to canada! Then.. there was another one like that called iPower? ..same price - same everything and it even says FREE 2 day shipping! ... until you go to pay and all of a sudden shipping is $80! ugghhhh!!! Guess I'm going to start...
  2. P

    How can I make a "light tight" door?

    I'm planning on making a 5x4 box, wooden framing wrapped in poly. Considering I'm doing a scrog and have to be able to reach the pots? can I make a big door that's air tight. Keeping in mind I'm trying to still keep to my budget... (20 on framing and 20 on poly so far..) I was thinking...
  3. P

    Some fairly noobish questions on MH / HPS Lighting Systems

    ^That's what I'll probably get! :D Any suggestions on the air filter/ would that diy work? or am I better of getting on for $120?? .. which probably won't be this time around/
  4. P

    Some fairly noobish questions on MH / HPS Lighting Systems

    Would this actually work?
  5. P

    Some fairly noobish questions on MH / HPS Lighting Systems

    Thanks for your reply. I don't have too much a problem with the light, more the sound :(. But, due to my budget I can't have any inline fans this grow... I might be able to get one in towards the end hopefully :).
  6. P

    Some fairly noobish questions on MH / HPS Lighting Systems

    I'm looking at a set like this one: EXCEPT: with a wing reflector and NOT a cool tube - due to budget. 1. Once I receive this at my door, Is it simple...
  7. P

    Help Me Make A Good "Set Up" *Detail's Inside*

    Could i use this instead of poly? Is it the same thing? (If not then I'll probably order the poly) Otherwise I can pick this up locally. :)
  8. P

    Have you seen this Video Series? Do you think his "tips" actually work? :peace:
  9. P

    Help explain a SCROG Grow to me?

    So you grow normal until second week flowering? Transplant when needed just as usual. Then at 2 weeks flower - you start to string it through the net? then "lollipop" the bottom and continue to string the stems through when you need?
  10. P

    Help Me Make A Good "Set Up" *Detail's Inside*

    Hey, thanks for those two links! :-P:D That might be enough savings for me to be able to include a exhaust system. I didn't even think of poly! Nice price on the hps system too (and it's dimmable!)
  11. P

    Help explain a SCROG Grow to me?

    Alright i'll look around ;) I know that :| . That sums up pretty much what I said I know. I already read that/did research. But I could not find anything on the pots/ transplanting
  12. P

    Help explain a SCROG Grow to me?

    I understand you start with a few plants let them grow to a screen 10-20" above them. Then you start to draw the stem's/leaves under and across the screen slowly filling the screen. What about transplanting? -Do you just throw the seedling in a 5gal pot?? How do you transplant the seed? -Or do...
  13. P

    Help Me Make A Good "Set Up" *Detail's Inside*

    that's you were a lot of help. I'm probably going to go with: 3ft x 4or5 ft box. . Drywall on the outside (painted white this grow... until i can get mylar in the future) 600w hps/mh No exhaust/intake system yet.. But I will leave the grow room "open" (mesh screen?) during for at least 12...
  14. P

    Help Me Make A Good "Set Up" *Detail's Inside*

    So go with the 600w and no exhaust system this grow? .. but then i'll probably run into high temp issues right? :confused:
  15. P

    Help Me Make A Good "Set Up" *Detail's Inside*

    edit: I just found a 400w for $150 @ (HOW IS IT?) It's a $100 saving from the 600w, then I can get a carbon can filter with a 4" inline? Would that be good for exhaust?
  16. P

    Help Me Make A Good "Set Up" *Detail's Inside*

    What type of exhaust did you get? How noisy are the ballast/fans/everything at night?? ..can you sleep beside it? :o Why not use the MH bulb? I have cfl's from my first grow which was insanely dank but small yield (1 plant). Now I want to do it "properly" and get an actual yield. I thought...
  17. P

    Help Me Make A Good "Set Up" *Detail's Inside*

    . Help Me Make A Good Set-Up . I have about $350-400 to work with. This is what I'm thinking, feel free to tweak it as you wish. $180 - 1 x600W HPS 1 x600W MH 1 xCone Parabolic Reflector 4ft. 1 x15ft of Lamp Wire to Ballast 1 xSocket & Brackets $40 - Feminized Seeds Medical Aurora...
  18. P

    Making a room out of cardboard??

    Can I section off a space in a room with flat white painted THICK cardboard? (2 sides walls, 2 sides cardboard) But I will probably cover the wall's with painted white cardboard? :bigjoint::bigjoint:
  19. P

    Pretty beginner - realistic "goals" / advice?

    The HPS/MH kit i'm looking (at $250) has a aircooled tube. I'm planning on building the box and just leaving it in the middle of my room. (NOT a closet, a full size room). Using flatboard on the 2x4's and painting it white. If I left a "screen vent" at the top would that be okay? And then close...