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  1. nobby1000

    These 3 were in a pack of 5. Lovely different phenos

    These were in the same seed pack.@7weeks. I named the one the blood plant.
  2. nobby1000

    Room full of cheese candy

    Cheese candy,holy grail 69 And green love potion going strong. All fem seeds. @ 7 weeks delicious seeds,samsara seeds. Try them! You won’t be disappointed
  3. nobby1000

    Delicious seeds cheese candy

    Done in 8 weeks. I brought 20 seeds and all germinated and turned out to be beautiful lady’s. As you can see in the picture this lady got tall She’s ready to be smoked
  4. nobby1000

    My Malawi

    This seedling came about by mistake,I rooted some clones in a propagator and never cleaned the soil out from before,one day I woke to find this little baby shooting out the soil lol. It's took me a wile to find where it came from and now I know it was a seed a friend gave me from some Malawi...
  5. nobby1000

    CHEESE (origin)

    Thought it was Luton its just seen a video on YouTube some ones got cheese on it even said uk cheese grow lol and someone's trying to say its a American strain nothing English about it lol and as for the slagging off thing I posted this to see what the feed back was like (how friendly) as...
  6. nobby1000

    Roadrunner bag seed

    Hi there peeps this seedling is very special I germinated it and she has been going good under cfl,s The pip was about 10 years old I got it from some bag seed in Ethiopia many years ago. Does anyone know any seed banks that do a sativa close to this strain?? here she is 4 days after topping...
  7. nobby1000

    CHEESE (origin)

    I thought it came from there was 2 geezas smoking round a fire on a strain they had stumbled upon, as they were thinking of a name to call it the 1 bloke was picking his arse the other 1 strait away said cheese you arse smells of cheese we will call it that lol
  8. nobby1000

    CHEESE (origin)

    Bonjour pot people can someone who knows this 100% tell me where cheese originally comes from?is it the uk? or America?or neither? People are saying uk others America. Im on about the dank ass cheese ( blue) that smells like bo lol please someone correct this once and for all
  9. nobby1000

    Thank you

    Safe guys late coming in but the dried weight off the 3 was 7oz. Respect for all feedback keep it green
  10. nobby1000

    Oil extraction

    By the way in that link I posted all the people I know. Who have used them use trim as the material not buds!!
  11. nobby1000

    Oil extraction

    Prodigalsun I totally agree with you
  12. nobby1000

    Oil extraction

    Oh yes dbkick what sort of contraption is that?? :0))
  13. nobby1000

    Oil extraction

    This is the method I was on about,as you see in this video butane lighter gas is said to be used
  14. nobby1000

    Oil extraction

    Hi there people everyday I'm hearing more and more people making oil using extraction units and lighter gas,many swear that it is the best and easiest way to produce oil but others argue it leaves traces of silicone and other residue mixed in with the end product,I love what rs is doing and I...
  15. nobby1000


    Here she is a GHS klashnikova fem
  16. nobby1000


    Thanks for the quick replies,I've read up and there seems to be some people say its weak genetics others saying they usually turn out male and also saying don't worry it will give you more nodes?? I know it's a minor but I've never came across this before :0)
  17. nobby1000


    I know there is probably already a post on this bit I don't think it is recent,just germinated some GHS klashnikova and 3 out the 5 came through bit one of them had 3 chromosomes instead of the usual 2,I've heard this is common with green house s,s?? Anyone ever experienced this before...
  18. nobby1000

    A special lady

    Thanks people this was week 7 since the flip to 12/12 after 10 week 18/6 from seed under a 600 hps it's special because the person that gave me the seeds past away so I free some in memory of him this girl has been through the wars she's been broke in two and taped back together again she was in...
  19. nobby1000

    A special lady

    Dunkin73 those pictures of your grow are awesome thanks for the link,only time will tell this was bagseed from early 2010 it's a long finisher I no that for sure lol thanks to all
  20. nobby1000

    A special lady

    Herb man I didn't top her because she is now outside and I want it to grow lol ill be topping her baby's I took,all I asked was what strain it could be I didn't ask for criticism NICE 1