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  1. S

    Solar Powered Grow Room

    so far what ive found in my area is that if i want a clone room with a 4' 4lamp T5, 2 400w lights, plus the 2 air pumps for the bubbleponics systems it should cost me a little over 1kw/h, add in the fan(s) it wont make much diff, a system to run just this would cost me somewhere around 9 G's but...
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    Solar Powered Grow Room

    its true and outdoor is great, but winter time where i live doesnt support life, unless your furry and store food, or eat trees, but your right
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    Solar Powered Grow Room

    Well im really just reaserching, im not buying, i know they are expensive and i would like to save up, by the time i do im sure panels will go down not to mention i can use it for more than just my grow op so thats not a downside at all, if i can run more than my op then im saving on even more...
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    Solar Powered Grow Room

    Hey anyone and everyone, i was wondering if anyone might know how much kw/h it takes to run a 400w light, a 4 lamp T5 and a basic 30 gallon or so air pump, was thinking it would be kool to be able to run a system off of Solar Panels but wanted to see exactly how much money that would entail, i...
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    Bit of advice please

    soooo i found a link on this sight with really good pics of nutrient defs etc and i think my plant has heat stress, i'll try and post pics later for confirmation
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    Cola Issues - Pictures...Advice??

    sounds like your doing good with it, the most important thing that ive learned about growing in my limited experience has been that you cant know everything you'll need to know your first few times you grow, different strains different materials different grow spaces all make for different...
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    Bit of advice please

    ok i can get a cam friday and will post picks asap
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    Bit of advice please

    i would post picks but i dont have a digi cam, i can try and get my girlfriends if the problem persists and its crucial
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    Bit of advice please

    awesome, thanks a bunch.... i have a new problem now, i clipped the growing tips on the clones so they bush out because i feel i may not be able to grow them to their full height in their current locataion, but now im noticing the new leaves are unfolding all twisted and the plant is overall...
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    Bit of advice please

    Hey so im growing 3 clones that are 5 weeks old tomarrow from bagseed and one "The Church" plant from seed thats roughly the same age in Hydro, the clones are starting to preflower in random spots and the largest one is about a foot to two feet and The Church which is the smallest of the 4 and...
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    LED Panel Grow - Low Ryder #2

    I started 3 The Church seedlings and 3 bagseed clones under 2 of those panels and they stretched aswell, two of the seedlings died but the clones all seemd fine, they grew slow as hell aswell but that could be because it not that intense lighting
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    Show me your stems :) no homo

    its fine like it is, but if you put more medium in there it wont hurt
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    Show me your stems :) no homo

    the white bumpy things are possible roots i think, and the waxy film is natural too
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    My Plant Looks Different Than Before

    I uhhh dont really see anything wrong with it, how did it look before? Im relativly new to this sport but i think it looks good
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    AeroGarden Problem With Male Plants (Removal or Trim-Down)

    looks good to me, it should be fine if you stay persistent and make sure you tackle all those nuts before they mature, looks like youve got it down though
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    Odd Growth ?!?

    well if the grow conditions are the same for both seedlings i would assume it has to do with the breed and that may just be the way it grows, but im limited in my experience i just thought i might give a suggestion, did you see a pic of the breed full grown or growing before you bought it, it...
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    Cola Issues - Pictures...Advice??

    i keep my 400w about a foot to a foot and a half away, like GrowSpecialist said i put my hand at the top of the plant and held it there for a bit, it felt uncomfortable i raised it, if it felt like i could keep it there all day i kept it
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    white mildew and mold! toss?

    do some research, there may be a way to fix it, if not than i would not risk the health issues inherant with smoking mildew
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    Male or Female??? Pictures!

    cant really tell duder sry, how old is the plant? i have very limited experience being a new grower myself, if you had another plant for comparison it would be easier to tell, but even age cant really tell because different breeds have different grow rates and heights, i could tell because i had...