Bit of advice please


Active Member
Hey so im growing 3 clones that are 5 weeks old tomarrow from bagseed and one "The Church" plant from seed thats roughly the same age in Hydro, the clones are starting to preflower in random spots and the largest one is about a foot to two feet and The Church which is the smallest of the 4 and not preflowering is about 6 inches or so tall. Someone told me to wait about another week before putting them into flower but i will be gone that week and was wondering if it would be bad for The Church if i were to put them into flowering now, i can wait untill Saturday before changing it but besides that i wont be back untill the following Saturday at the earliest. If i could have some more professional opinons that would be very helpfull please and thank you.


Well-Known Member
you can do either dude, flower now or wait and flower when you come back...up to you.


Active Member
awesome, thanks a bunch.... i have a new problem now, i clipped the growing tips on the clones so they bush out because i feel i may not be able to grow them to their full height in their current locataion, but now im noticing the new leaves are unfolding all twisted and the plant is overall droopy, the leafe edges are turning up and the tips of the older leaves are browning, as far as i can tell there is no discoloration except the little bit of red on the branches near the leaves, this may be becauase of overwatering because i changed my solution yesterday at around the same time as i clipped the tops, but The Church isnt having a problem as far as i can tell so im a bit lost, might just be stress but i dunno


Active Member
i would post picks but i dont have a digi cam, i can try and get my girlfriends if the problem persists and its crucial


Active Member
soooo i found a link on this sight with really good pics of nutrient defs etc and i think my plant has heat stress, i'll try and post pics later for confirmation