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    Yellow Tips On New Growth!!! Help Me Diagnose!!

    thanks for the reply's everyone. seeing as how you seem to think the soil was to hot what can i do about it now? I dont wanna lose the grow but at the same time they are autos so any problems can mess up everything. And I do look up problems b4 I post them. Just seems like 90 percent of what...
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    Yellow Tips On New Growth!!! Help Me Diagnose!!

    so i have just been watering so far and dont really see things getting better or worse. except one of my autos is looking really bad and all over the past few days. Can anyone tell what is wrong with it? All i know is autos are a pain in the ass. Im about to just give up on them. i had no...
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    Yellow Tips On New Growth!!! Help Me Diagnose!!

    so how do I know when to feed them?
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    Yellow Tips On New Growth!!! Help Me Diagnose!!

    how can i do that i only fed them once and it was a very low dose for seedlings. I planed on feeding them once a week and it is now over the time to feed them. could it be to low nutes? cause that would make more since. should i feed them or wait or feed them the seedling strength. not sure what...
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    Yellow Tips On New Growth!!! Help Me Diagnose!!

    Growing autos. This is not my first grow however it is my first grow with autos. Growing indoors. Tent is four and a half by four and a half feet. Under 1000 Watt Light. Five plants inside tent. The plants are now aprox. three weeks and are showing the sex. About two weeks after they came...
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    Help me with my auto seedlings Please!!!

    well thats good to know,thanks guys makes me feel a little better
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    Help me with my auto seedlings Please!!!

    im just worried that cause i broke off the roots when i dug it up and thats why its still not out of shell and might be dead just don't know it yet
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    Help me with my auto seedlings Please!!!

    just seems like they should be growing faster when it only has a 60 day life cycle
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    Help me with my auto seedlings Please!!!

    Here is some picture
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    Help me with my auto seedlings Please!!!

    OK here is a quick overview first time growing autos but have grown b4. have 6 autos in 4ft by 4ft by 6 1/2ft grow tent. 1000w mh/hps goes to 50, 75, 100, super. have an ac and humidifier keeping tent at 75. using foxfarm soil. So i germinated in paper towel no problem. Four days later planted...
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    Question about harvesting!!!

    I have been flushing them with nothing but water. Should I start giving them nutes again or just only water?
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    Question about harvesting!!!

    I was wondering what peoples opinions were on taking the top buds off the plant that are ready to be dried and cured... and leaving the rest of the plant under the light to keep growing. Will the smaller buds that are not quite done continue to flower or will it shock the plant too much?
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    Question about topping

    really 100 ppl seen this and no comments thats messed up
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    Question about topping

    So I know how to top a plate but wanted to know do you top when the plate reaches the height you want. Wanted to know cause it is my understanding that when you switch to flower the plant will get bigger is this still true when you top a plant
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    Can anyone tell me whats going on? With pics

    well actually this plant takes a bit longer then the rest to dry out. I just watered like 2 days ago and some of the others are not quite ready yet, so i just gave it about a litter of water to hold it off till its time to water everyone. Really im just getting sick of non-stop problems. Seems...
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    Can anyone tell me whats going on? With pics

    Here is the pictures
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    Can anyone tell me whats going on? With pics

    So one of my plants large fan leaves are wilting bad. they are just hanging there and the plant looks like shit. the weird parts is the leaves look green still but just hanging there they were pretty dry so I added a little water anyone have this problem??\ Please help