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  1. youngjizzle729

    Deficiency or Too Much Light Exposure??

    My plants recently had really bad nutrient burn. I perceived this initially as a deficiency so i added more nutrients. Rookie mistake I guess......Now I have a new issue. After heavy flushing of the medium and a little granulated lime to stabilize the pH I seem to have what I perceive to be...
  2. youngjizzle729

    Phosphorus Deficiency??

    Okay. I now know my issue was Nutrient Burn. Really bad nutrient burn. I perceived this initially as a deficiency so i added more nutrients. Rookie mistake I guess...... Now I have a new issue. After heavy flushing of the medium and a little granulated lime to stabilize the pH I seem to have...
  3. youngjizzle729

    Phosphorus Deficiency??

    okay so i think i definitely have a pH issue. The first time that I've ever had an issue. In the past I drove myself crazy checking the pH only to find that the medium was neutral. I thought my instruments were faulty because not one of my plants had a single pH issue before. When I used those...
  4. youngjizzle729

    Phosphorus Deficiency??

    I will check the ph asap to see if this is the issue. And I wanted to cut the leaves off, but I didn't want to harm the plant any more. I was waiting for signs of improvement before I starting cutting
  5. youngjizzle729

    Phosphorus Deficiency??

    Damn bro....You usually give me the most helpful responses. I'm very open and appreciative of any advice given if that encourages you to actually answer my questions or give useful advice. In your opinion does this appear to be a ph issue? or something other than a phosphorus deficiency? If so I...
  6. youngjizzle729

    Phosphorus Deficiency??

    Having some issues with my plants. At first I thought maybe the plants were too close to the lights. Then I thought maybe I burned the plants due to over fertilization. Now multiple plants are displaying the same issue. I believe this to be a Phosphorus deficiency at this point. I've added...
  7. youngjizzle729

    Plant diagnosis?

    Helpful. I will consider adding holes for drainage and maybe air flow to the roots will improve as well. My last go round I had toxicity issues so this time I wanted to make sure before added anything to the soil. I will do so moderately. Thanx for the insight
  8. youngjizzle729

    Plant diagnosis?

    I was thinking about adding kelp meal to the soil in a effort to resupply the medium with nutrients. D you think this is a good idea? Is this issue a nutrient deficiency, lighting issue, or something else entirely?
  9. youngjizzle729

    Plant diagnosis?

    No. I know I'm not over watering them. Plus I have drainage holes
  10. youngjizzle729

    Plant diagnosis?

    Yea they started out dark green, but now all are beginning to yellow
  11. youngjizzle729

    Plant diagnosis?

    I used Vital Earth's Manna Mix. I was told that this soil contained more than enough nutrients to keep my plants healthy for at least a month. I'm using a 600w metal halide light about 2-3ft away frm plants. My metal halide light bulb isn't as bright blue as it used to be. Is it possible that...
  12. youngjizzle729

    Plant diagnosis?

    Soooo I just started some new babies and they're already having some issues. Not exactly sure what the issue is, but I'm definitely noticing some discoloration in the lower leaves. I would assume this is a nutrient deficiency of some kind, but isn't it a little early for that?? These plants are...
  13. youngjizzle729

    Hermaphrodite?? Buds or pollen sacks??

    Thanx for the help. theoretically, if i quarantined that plant and removed the pollen sacks to prevent self pollination would that be enough to insure sinsemilla?
  14. youngjizzle729

    Hermaphrodite?? Buds or pollen sacks??

    There are also pistils coming from out of the alleged "pollen sacks". could it just be the bud forming?
  15. youngjizzle729

    Hermaphrodite?? Buds or pollen sacks??

    This plant just entered the flowering stage. To the right you see the cola forming, but in the left pic it appeared to be buds at first but now it looks like pollen sacks. Break it to me easy....Is my baby a hermaphrodite??
  16. youngjizzle729

    Spider Mites!

    Thanx to all. Greatly Appreciated
  17. youngjizzle729

    Spider Mites!

    I believe I have spider mites in my grow room. I've yet to see any issues in regards to my plants, but I did see cream/white colored insects resembling a spider. I only saw 2, but I know that insects multiply fast and I don't want any issues. Thus far I'm leaning towards purchasing lady bugs to...
  18. youngjizzle729

    Mary Jane Identification

    What is the website for SoS? never heard of them? any other reputable companies you can suggest?
  19. youngjizzle729

    Mary Jane Identification

    Is it really possible for the soil to have a random sprout without the seeds already being there. And I planted all seeds in a humidity dome with individual spots for each seed. If they were random sprouts of different species why didn't more than one emerge in each spot? I believe it unlikely...
  20. youngjizzle729

    Mary Jane Identification

    Yooooo. Your plant does look exactly like mines. Especially the little one to the far left. I will still grow it to see what happens. I just didn't want to set myself up for an upset. Any chance that your plants came from feminized seeds?? I'm hoping it's a genetic issue due to cross breeding...