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  1. kkfrank22

    Howto remove flowering clusters?

    What he's asking (I think) is if one could remove the 'pregnant' buds from females that have been fucked by some male pollen. I recently tried that on my grow. The parts I removed were new calyx (buds) looking things that got really round and hard. They are seed pods and get full of all the shit...
  2. kkfrank22

    small problems with sog/soil grow

    Its really hard to say man... Youre growing in soi. Soil acts as a buffer that may hinder your ability to gauge whats wrong with the plants. You must rely simply on how well you control your nutrients. The only advice I can offer you is to try to get a hold of some soil and water testing...
  3. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    Here you go. Thanks for checking my room.
  4. kkfrank22

    Florida Growers Thread

    check out my grow. im from miami but im growing in c. florida.
  5. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    Its sno-cone flavoring that i added to the base of the plants.
  6. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    I added this a few days back.
  7. kkfrank22

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    Man, waiting for them to wake up would kill me! Post some new pics as soon as they wake. Maybe we'll see the sex today.
  8. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    Im tempted to go all out as well. I mostly get those thought when Im getting impatient and start thinking of total yield and ways to maximize it. Its tough not to get caught up in all those thoughts and lose track of credit card statements. Im just gonna wait it out. I know the expensive way is...
  9. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    GrnMan- Thanks for the comments. Yeah, you're right- Im going to have to start using photobucket so the preview pics show up on the thread and not as shitty thumbnails. I try to only spray the larger fan leaves. I do it because my closet is very dry even with all the plants and I think the...
  10. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    I changed the water yesterday and added some Blossom Blaster plus a root stimulator. The root stimulator, although mainly used to root cuttings, can also be used to increase root growth of a plant during flowering thus increasing nutrient uptake. This process may slow vertical growth a little...
  11. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    Thanks. The flowering cycle is usually anywhere from 10-14 hours of light per day. However, I dont really expect a big difference in growth or maturation rates due to the light change. Im just experiementing, but the light cycle the plants were on (12hrs on/12 hrs off) was sufficient for the...
  12. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    New Pics. Reduced light to 10hrs/day
  13. kkfrank22

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    Hey, I started my plants at around the same time. check out my grow op and offer me some tips.
  14. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    Hey Here are some new pics of the grow. If you look in the pics, you'll see the magic of gentics at work. The great thing about planting bag seeds is the vast genetic diversity you are bound to encounter. The gene pool in my bag was great. I have some plants that look mostly sativa and others...
  15. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    I have been busy with finals lately so I cant upload often. I take pics and record heights daily. The pics from today show total growth after 1 month. I use BC Grow and Boost, MagCal, Sweet, Liquid Karma, and Super Thrive. pH about 5.0 EC about 2.5 Temp about 80 F Grow Medium: clay pellets...
  16. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    Yeah man Im going to start flowering asap. I figure the plant wont realize its flowering time for about 2-3 weeks. That might give me a small window of extra growth before flowering is in full effect. If the babies grow about 20cm during that time, I'll be happy. I have to move out of this house...
  17. kkfrank22

    PassIt's First SoG!!! Sour Diesle!

    Hey man, your plants look like theyre growing pretty healthy. Your lighting situation needs some help though. Is privacy an issue at home? If it isn't, I would consider using your boxes as a supplement to the natural light in your area. Im not recommending you do anything illegal either- but I...
  18. kkfrank22

    First time growing! 400w HPS 20 plants

    This is the bag seed I planted in the first week of march. The pics all have dates. I use BC boost, grow, bloom according to label instructions to get an EC of about 1.9 during growth and 2.2 during flowering. I also supplement with cal-mag, liquid karma and sweet throughout the veg and...