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  1. T

    Switching soils???

    Im about to switch to flower in a few weeks. I have had problems with my ladies and was wondering if it would be a good idea to totally repot and switch soil before I do this. My thoughts were to switch to a better soil. But that would mean I have remove all the shit foil from the roots...
  2. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    Thanks potpimp. I got a soil tester and my ph is still good at 6.5. As for nutes it was really low, almost none so I gave them a good feeding yesterday. Pretty sure I figured out the problem. Thanks to everyone that helped out!!!
  3. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    About how long does it take to see recovery from N difeancy?
  4. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    I'll try upping my mutes next feeding and see if that helps. If not and it gets worse ill just scrap them and start over. I'd really hate to do that but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
  5. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    Yes I have grown this strain before. Growing it the exact way as I did last time. Last time I didn't have this problem. I started them from seed on 12/25. I'm still using 1/4 stringth like I was before. I water once a week or so. I don't let the soil get bone dry but it gets pretty dry...
  6. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    Still having this problem. I have been feeding every other watering. Leaves yellow then turn brown and crispy then die off. It has started moving up the plants as well. I can't seem to figure out the problem.
  7. T

    When do your plants start to smell?

    I planted my girls in soil on the 25th of December. They are about 8-10 inches tall and have about 9 sets of leaves and I can already smell them. I think the smell during flowering might be a problem this time. Lol.
  8. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    Thanks bro I'll check it out.
  9. T

    LOOK! May or may not know. INTERESTING!

    I lolled. That is all.
  10. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    First true set of leaves. Codyelons are pretty much done. It's the 2 sets above that. Those are the ones with the problems.
  11. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    Miracle grow 24-8-16 at1/4 strength. Would that be good for now? It's all I have on hand, I'll get some better nutes here soon.
  12. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    Ok cool. Not as stressed out now. Thanks guys!!
  13. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    I'll give them a light feeding next time I water. As for the messed up leaves I know they won't fix themselves so should I just cut them off?
  14. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    Can't post pics from iPhone. Ph is about 6.5. Running 14,26w CFL about 4 inches away from the tops of the plants. Large oscillating fan in the room. Temps are about75.
  15. T

    Yellow dying leafs.

    My babies are having some problems. They are about 4-6 inches tall and on their 6th set of leaves. My problem is on some of them the bottom 2 sets are getting yellow/brown and crunchy. No nutes have been given yet and am watering with just plain water. Any ideas what the issue could be?
  16. T

    Seedlings in solo cups

    Just some bag seed off some decent bud. I fucked up my lights last time and they produced naners late in flower giving me about a dozen seeds from 2 plants. Light leak is fixed for this round tho. So far so good. Lookin way better than the first round.
  17. T

    Seedlings in solo cups

    How many sets of leaves do you usually have by then? I'm on my second grow and my nodes are pretty close this time. Last time I didn't have enough light and they were tall and scraggly. This time i upped the light and now there short and bushy.
  18. T

    Seedlings in solo cups

    Just wondering how long you guys keep your seedlings in solo cups. I have some almost 2 weeks old and on their 4th set of leaves. How big should they be before I transplant?
  19. T

    cooltube from 2liters bottle q.

    Awesome man! Thanks! I'm gonna use this for my little veg closet. Thanks again!!
  20. T

    cooltube from 2liters bottle q.

    Hey bozo, how did you make that cfl fixture?