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  1. T

    Just found seeds.

    Thanks guys. My plants hermied in the 10th week of flower. Cause I had a light leak. I let them flower for 12 weeks. Took a sample and was impressed with what I smoked.
  2. T

    Just found seeds.

    Any advice?
  3. T

    Just found seeds.

    Just harvested my 2 girls last night and while going thru the leaves and popcorn buds( gonna try to make hash from them) I found 2 seeds. My question is what will come of these if I planted them? Will they be females or just fucked up hermies? Thanks for any answers as I'm courious to know.
  4. T

    Harvest time!!

    Thanks delta. I'll look in to it. As for the duche that posted last, Keep the smart ass comments to your self.
  5. T

    Had to hack them down.

    Sorry to hear bro. Crazy girlfriends can fuck up a grow in a heart beat. Just be glad you chopped before she turned Physco and turned you in.
  6. T

    Harvest time!!

    Id rather not go thru an alternate site. If I could post them here straight from my phone that would be great.
  7. T

    Harvest time!!

    If you can tell me how to upload pics from an iPhone I would gladly share.
  8. T

    Harvest time!!

    It hurts to see my girls go. I'm almost choked up about it. It's their time tho, can't wait to smoke these beautys!!!!
  9. T

    can harldy funtion

    Nice plants. What strain?
  10. T

    Harvest question.

    Thanks blazin. The buds are still looking good, frosty with red hairs. There swelling up nice so I'm guessing not too much longer. I'll just have to sit it out and wait.
  11. T

    Harvest question.

    Buds have started to foxtail as well. Other than that hairs are all red and trichs still look mostly clear. Any advice how close I might be? This is my first real grow and I don't want to harvest shitty buds. Thanks guys.
  12. T

    Harvest question.

    11th week of flower now and all the hairs have turned color but the trichs still look clear/cloudy. Just wondering about how long they have left?
  13. T

    A less lazy update. Better pictures. Feedback encouraged.

    Very nice indeed. What strain?
  14. T


    Welcome. This site is awesome.
  15. T

    Harvest question.

    Thanks guys not as worried now. I should only have about a week left till harvest. I'll just keep a close eye on them.
  16. T

    Harvest question.

  17. T

    Harvest question.

    Should I be worried about them pollinating my girls? If so how long till seeds form.
  18. T

    1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)

    Just read this whole thread and I'd have to say im very very impressed. Job well done bro. I'm just about to finish up my first grow and I'm gonna use this as a guide to my second. Once again awesome job. Can't wait to see what you do next.
  19. T

    Harvest question.

    Yea I'm sure it was a naner. I doubble checked and looked at a bunch of pics before I pulled it.
  20. T

    update on my kush...27days flowering today

    Those look badass man. Gotta get me some of those seeds sometime.