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  1. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Well here I am with my final update for this round of crops. Oh the times we had. It seems like just yesterday they started poking out of the soil and now... I... I promised myself I wasn't going to cry but... Now they are all grown up. I had to fight off many a nanner, but I did my job...
  2. Big Lil' Deuce

    Normal bud production? Day 17 12/12

    They look perfectly normal to me. They will start to fill in and resemble buds in the coming weeks. Good Luck!
  3. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Bagseed genetics, makeshift environment to the best of my knowledge. The only plant that didn't sprout nanners is the one in the first 5 pics, she was the offspring of a feminized Speed Devil seed that went through some stress early in flower, producing a nice quantity of seeds on her lower...
  4. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Here are the 600 Six, 4 weeks into flower. First 5 pics are about 1-2 weeks ahead of the rest as she started flowering during veg then stopped until the light schedule change. The tall lanky one had to have multiple bananas removed during the week, thankfully shes easy to examine with all the...
  5. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    'Nana Watch '13 Oh it's that time of flowering when dealing with low grade genetics to break out the magnifying glass and tweezers cause we huntin' 'naners! This stretchy one is where it all started. Noticed a little green tongue poking out of her head a day after I moved her from the edge...
  6. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Here's some Valentines Day treats for everyone! Right around 2 1/2 weeks into flower. Welcome to the jungle... We got buds for days... They'll get you high, let you fly... Put you in a haze... In the jungle... Welcome to the Jungle... Where it's always full of...
  7. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Just droppin' in the 6 double O with an update. Started off with six plants with the hope of getting 3-4 females.... looks like 6/6 females, now just to find the space for them all, curses! So here's what the crop looked like a month ago on Dec. 30 And as of today, Jan. 29 Oh what changes...
  8. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Well its been a while since I've dropped in, but like Santa's jolly ass I bring goodies for all! Alright, I exaggerated, I just have some pics of the new batch. First time vegging with a 600 MH and couldn't be happier! Growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest, temps are 75-80f with lights on, 68-70f...
  9. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    What's up 6 Pack? Just dropping in to give the final photos of the Speed Devil #2 auto that didn't auto. Would have loved to let her go a little longer, but the damage I caused to the roots a couple weeks back was just getting worse. All the main fan leaves had died and fell, the secondary...
  10. Big Lil' Deuce

    Help Probation trying to take away my card and search my house

    Is the risk worth more than the reward? What happens if you violate your probation? 6 months is not a long time to wait to get the law off your back. And I'd listen to your lawyer over your doctor when it comes to the law. Better safe then sorry.
  11. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Now we play the waiting game. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...
  12. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Hello there 6er's. Here is an update on my Speed Devil #2. First pic is from 9/28. After that pic was taken I encountered a problem I had yet to face with cfl growing. That problem was weight. This lady is top heavy, and the next day I discovered her bent down, all the way down, top...
  13. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Well, to keep with the flow of Saturday naughtiness... Speed Devil #2 (non auto-ing auto-flower).
  14. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Thanks! She vegged outdoors for a month before we put her inside. Fought off a round of spidermites early in flower, but they were exterminated and her foxtailing ass finished nicely.
  15. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Here's a shot of last years unknown bagseed, because... Why not? 5 100w equiv. cfl's. Thinking of snappin' pics under the 6 this weekend. So until then...
  16. Big Lil' Deuce

    3rd week of Flowering!

    Looks wonderful. Great job, as for tips.... keep doing what your doing, it seems to be working
  17. Big Lil' Deuce

    Bubblegum @ Day 51 - 600w hps 4x4 tent

    Looking good. :weed:
  18. Big Lil' Deuce

    Indoor Sativa?????

    Yes, you can change lighting to flower when the plant reaches around 1/3 to 1/2 of where you want it to be. plants can double or triple in size when they flower. Height growth slows during flowering after the initial spurt, then the plant fills out. If you are limited on space, setting your...
  19. Big Lil' Deuce

    harvesting now w/pics

    Looks delicious!
  20. Big Lil' Deuce

    Club 600

    Thanks! Glad I could help.