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  1. M

    4x4 tent. what is the best wattage for this size?

    Why not go with 400+600 so you get 1000watts?
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    Oscillating fan in DR120 (Quiet)

    Well I had a honeywell ht-900 which are supposed to be quiet but it made more noise than my inline fan (which is in a box and on 25% speed).
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    Oscillating fan in DR120 (Quiet)

    Hello, anyone knows the most queit oscillating fan for a DR120 tent? I have searched the forum and other places but need more info. Thanks
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    GO BioWorm instead of Worm Castings in SuperSoil?

    Nothin else is added, it says on GO website: "100% natural worm castings extract."
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    GO BioWorm instead of Worm Castings in SuperSoil?

    My question is straightforward.. I have low availability of worm castings, at least it is very expensive around here. Is it possible to mix BioWorm from General Organics, and mix it with water? Can it compensate for lack of worm castings? Here is info on BioWorm...
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    How exactly do you guys even the canopy? I have 2 different strains in my grow room. One indica and another sativa. They all have been sort of main-lined, I decided to go with two hubs instead of one due to the time it would save me. They are in flower now and the sativa plant is about...
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    Mainly because it will extend the veg. Period quiet a bit, no?. And also, I think it will be a little tight with 16 tops per plant in my grow room
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    First of all, thank you gor your amazing work and contributions nugs. Im really inspired by what you have done. Now, I actually intend to wait until it grows 5-6 nodes before pruning for two, however I am still wondering if the pruning can be done at the first node. That is, after the plant...
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    From what I understand the first true node is after the cotyledon leaves?
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    Can the hub be made at the first true node or is it recommwnded to have the hub at the second node? I do not need any clones thats why I am asking.
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    Did I ruin it?

    No you have not ruined it. They may have been a bit stressed but I do not think it will cause hermies. Depends on the sensitivity of the strain.
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    chloramine in water

    Hi everyone. Just wanted to say that you do not need to buy expensive water cleaning systems to get rid of chloramine. A teaspoon of humic acid in can neutralize chloramines in 100 gallons of water depending on how much chloramine there is. A good measurement is to put in humic acid until you...
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    how many watt HID to veg 6 plants?

    hey chill out guys. no need to get rude, we´re all here to share and learn. I am specifically asking for HID because I want to try out what results I get with CMH + HPS.
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    how many watt HID to veg 6 plants?

    Im leaning towards 250 since they will just be there for 4 weeks before going to Flower tent with 400w CMH + 400W HPS
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    how many watt HID to veg 6 plants?

    Hey, I was wondering how many watts I should have in the veg room for 6 plants? Going to veg approximately 4 weeks with a Philips Ceramic Metal Halide lamp, would 250w be fine or should I go with 400w?
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    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    Sweet how much did you yield? Can we see any pictures of those frosty oily and stinky buds? =) I just harvested my first grow a week ago also, awesome feeling smoking your own product! I mixed my first mod. supersoil a couple of days ago also, I think the cooking has begun, when I open the...
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    Same here, ordered once and I will order again. They are really helpful!
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    Size of cooking can and other questions.

    I bought the 100L can instead, good to have if you want to be able to mix the soil while still in the can without spilling. Ok so no holes you say, is not mold an issue?
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    Size of cooking can and other questions.

    I know some of my questions have been answered in the forum. I´ve read that you are supposed to not mixed it during the cooking and just let it sit, this is to not disturb the "microbial life" doing its thing. I´ve also read that the soil needs air so I will drill some hole in the can, or open...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How about this plant, it is an Auto White Russian at day 60. I´ve been told to keep it going for a little more, planning on cutting it in 2-3 days. Should I?