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  1. JoDirt

    My dog drank isopropyl alcohol

    What should I do? He seems fine, there was not that much, but still. I was doing hash oil, so I let sit the alcohol (with thc) so it can evaporate on the counter, he drank it.
  2. JoDirt

    How are YOU Handling DAYLIGHT SAVINGS

    Another reason why you would change the timer. I grow in my room, and I can't sleep with lights on.
  3. JoDirt

    How much time till harvest

    I'm at day 53 on an autoflowering strain that is supposed to be fast Does not seems like it will be ready in time :( How much weeks do you think I got left?
  4. JoDirt

    bright green tip

    Usually light green tip mean new growth. But it's hard to tell if that's your case without pics
  5. JoDirt

    Got his plant stolen

    Just made a short Hitler parody, enjoy :joint: Poor Hitler, got his plant stolen :(
  6. JoDirt

    Taking just a nug

    Thanks for all your input, well I didn't do it. Thankfully :P I decided I will wait.
  7. JoDirt

    Taking just a nug

    Yeaa I guess you are right. But if I really just take one? :)
  8. JoDirt

    Taking just a nug

    Ok so, I'm out of weed, my dealer won't have any for 3 or 4 days. I have an autoflowering plant at day 51, if I take a nug from her, will it kill or badly stress her? I know I'm way too impatient. But it takes me hours to sleep when I don't smoke and I haven't smoked for the week and I'd like...
  9. JoDirt

    How much time should I let it dry

    Thanks for all your answer, I smoked it in a pipe. Got me a little head rush. Actually has you might know, it was not my harvest lol, I just removed the calyx from the main stem cause I had no more pot and wanted to taste it a bit :P My plant should be ready in 2-3 weeks actually. I was actually...
  10. JoDirt

    How much time should I let it dry

    I just harvested my auto flowering. I'd like to know how much time I should let it dry before smoking it. Wouldn't want to waste any of it. I took a pic. Thanks
  11. JoDirt

  12. JoDirt

    Sorry wrong section

    Sorry wrong section
  13. JoDirt

    Is this normal?

    So, the pistils on the main stems are brown, just like finished weed, rest of the plant is white, it just started budding. Strain is Skunk Automatic On CFLs. Day 46 from sprout Brown pistils on main stem: (there is not only 2 pistils like this, everything on the main stem is like this) Rest...
  14. JoDirt

    Best Setup

    I suggest looking at the Grow Journal forum section Anyway here's my grow 151 watts CFLs (6x23w@2700k + 1x13w) Skunk Automatic. Growing in my room closet. Unknow yield, still growing (day 46) Here is a vid of my plant at day 46
  15. JoDirt

    $30 Grow Tent

    You didn't just find a 30$ grow tent.
  16. JoDirt

    Growing in your bedroom

    I grow in my closet too, works well. Just a bit harder to fall asleep. But at least its easier to wake up in the morning.
  17. JoDirt

    power outage

    Storms, not much sunlight
  18. JoDirt

    WTF I have seeds on my AKR?

    If the seed look mature (dark/brown), I don't see why you couldn't use it for your "next year outdoor grow". And for the other question, I don't know, if it was pollinated by a male, yes, if its was due to stress it really depends on what was stressing her lol
  19. JoDirt

    Sweet seeds cream caramel questions

    Never grown that strain but if you are looking for a big plant/harvest, i'd suggest Critical Express, Critical Mass, or Critical+. I heard they are one of the highest yielding strain. I will try theses seeds next month when my current grow will be done.