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  1. Strange Daze

    Info on # 7 smart pots.

    root bound...what's that? Wont happen with these. This is what made me a believer.
  2. Strange Daze

    Amber shatter, can I purge it again with heat??

    I took a portion and heated it up and stirred it a bunch. That part doesnt crackle anymore but still tastes...well it has a taste that it shouldnt. Either way I called the guy back just to ask what solvent he used and he was apologetic and happy to replace it, that's awesome and not something...
  3. Strange Daze

    Info on # 7 smart pots.

    Heres a pic oldest to youngest. Back right 3 are the same age, the one in the corner back there is what you'd expect using these after the roots take off.
  4. Strange Daze

    Info on # 7 smart pots.

    Check out my pics, I'm using the blue fabric recycled walmart bags that are .50 a bag. Same idea and so far they've been working fantastic. You can also get black ones at a dollar store for .25.
  5. Strange Daze

    Amber shatter, can I purge it again with heat??

    I guess the pictures dont really show much for viscosity or smell haha.
  6. Strange Daze

    Amber shatter, can I purge it again with heat??

    Aaaanyone? I'd really like to medicate this morning but am a bit timid with it crackling.
  7. Strange Daze

    Amber shatter, can I purge it again with heat??

    Hey guys I just picked up some shatter from someone who I typically dont have this problem with. So today I went to check it out and first thing I noticed is it was not glass like, more sticky than usual. When I went to dab, it crackled and tasted kind of like how band aids smell lol. Anyway...
  8. Strange Daze

    What was your most painful "Self-induced" grow mistake?

    lol I did the exact same thing to a NYCD. She was beautiful but some more experienced grower was going on about how if you cut all the big fan leafs off during the last couple weeks of flower that the buds get more light and grow bigger. I was experimenting already with cloning, and fimming and...
  9. Strange Daze

    What was your most painful "Self-induced" grow mistake?

    Mine was, Eyes being bigger than my brain. :shock: I already had my own plants but was off to a slow start, all my girls were only about 12in or less and a "nice" guy I knew needed to move and offered me 2 absolutely beautiful and huge plants 2 different strains for free if I would give a few...
  10. Strange Daze

    What is Lambo by TH Seeds like?

    have a pic update? i posted some of mine in journal
  11. Strange Daze

    I made a mistake and I'm freaking out. Help!!

    If you were laughing a lot, perhaps you were just joking around, then? I wouldn't worry about it too much. He probably forgot you even mentioned it, but then we don't know this persons character either. Does he have a reason to tell or rob you? The reason you dont tell your friends or anyone is...
  12. Strange Daze

    Used Bonide it killed everything...including my girls =( will the seedlings make it?

    Cleanliness is a must but what makes you think I don't wash my hands in the first place? Odd and unhelpful.
  13. Strange Daze

    Afghan Kush, MK Ultra & Lambo/Rambo (1st timer)

    Sorry for the loss of your Lambo. Seems like anyone who had them, got them free. Only one of mine survived. She showed sex today though and recovered from some ill conditions. Maybe I will take clones in case this turns out to be a great strain. Cant seem to find much info about it. Good luck...
  14. Strange Daze

    Used Bonide it killed everything...including my girls =( will the seedlings make it?

    I kept 2 seedlings and they're pulling through, grapefruit and lambo, lambo is already showing herself so thats a plus. maybe ill start a journal now. First pic taken 4/2 lambo on left gf on right, second pic taken today 4/16 gf on left lambo on right. I'm pretty glad I kept these. Never...
  15. Strange Daze

    What is Lambo by TH Seeds like?

    woke up today to find some pretty little pistils on Lambo so thats a plus. I would have thought it was a bit early she isnt even alternating yet. Maybe I'll start a journal now that I know its a she. =)
  16. Strange Daze

    What is Lambo by TH Seeds like?

    Great I look forward to your progress. Good luck to you as well I hope we both get girls. I decided if mine is male I will keep it as a house plant until I have some pollin. Never know.
  17. Strange Daze

    What is Lambo by TH Seeds like?

    Realize this is a few months old but I've got a Lambo AKA Rambo growing and am also looking up what little info I can find. I was gifted 2 seeds from an acquaintance, label said thseeds. Only 1 survived and It's not even a month old. I'll be posting pics once it gets going and I know if it's a...
  18. Strange Daze

    Used Bonide it killed everything...including my girls =( will the seedlings make it?

    The really dead one is the after picture. Those pics are all before and afters, sorry for your confusion. So does anyone have thoughts on pretreating my grow media before seedlings sprout? Just worried it will mess something up with the seed growth. I found what looked like either a dead...
  19. Strange Daze

    Used Bonide it killed everything...including my girls =( will the seedlings make it?

    peat and perilite are what I was attempting to grow in before switching to just perlite. I agree though soil seems to be infested with bugs when you buy it.
  20. Strange Daze

    Used Bonide it killed everything...including my girls =( will the seedlings make it?

    I agree they were close. This was a last effort before throwing in the towel for them. I set them in the bath tub for a while and noticed something crawling around. I tried to pick it up but squished it. Looked like aphid. knowing the bonide didnt even take care of all of the aphids...