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  1. Green on Green

    A Poem

    I will admit that I do have my "emo" moments. I assume you are kind of young, because any man experienced with women will tell you that its not always the pussy party you thought it was going to be when you were a kid. We all have dark times fam, and this was written during one of mine. I...
  2. Green on Green

    The Collective Conscience Of RIU

    It was at that point he felt the cold unmistakable nose of Gertrude, the family goat nestling his rear. Poor Gertrude hadn't had the company of a male goat in years and the farmer felt bad. With the mood ruined the farmer raised his wife from her knees and led her out of the barn. Just as they...
  3. Green on Green

    Anyone ever get growers tunnel vision??

    Oh shit! I thought I was the only one! I drive past lowes or home depot and start twitching. All day every day all I think about is Sex and Weed, and sex with weed, and sex in my grow room, and trading kinky sex favors for the weed I grew in my grow room while having sex amongst it, and how to...
  4. Green on Green

    The Path Of Love

    Well I love meat. Steak: The bloodier the better, Chicken: Fry that shit up, Fish: any way its prepared is scrumdiddlyumptious. I also love pitching in the anal sex department :hump: or at least the dirty Sanchez. I guess I'm really going to hell. I still have yet to hear a valid explanation...
  5. Green on Green

    A Poem

    Thanks guys:joint:
  6. Green on Green

    A Poem

    Same shit same toilet same game I gotta play today, Praying to the sky to please flush the fuckin pain away, Worlds weight on my shoulder, contemplating why I want to stay, Forming deadly habits drink about a 5th of grain a day, Numb myself into submission, on a suicidal mission, Life is...
  7. Green on Green

    Bullshit Music And What It Can Do!

    Thats funny, because I blame the suburban kids (not just the white ones either) for the popularity of this "gangsta" bullshit. Anybody REALLY from the "hood" knows that most of these gangsta rappers are fake as fuck, and bootleg their albums for the FEW hot singles they may have. If it wasn't...
  8. Green on Green

    The Collective Conscience Of RIU

    dammit people post!!!! this can be an epic thread!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Green on Green

    Women Watching Porn...

    I'm sorry what?...I was fantasizing about your lips
  10. Green on Green

    The Collective Conscience Of RIU

    ....He remembered the large University a few miles out of town, and how some of the students would frequent his favorite watering hole in town. They often smelled of marijuana when he passed them. He decided to visit the bar the next weekend and try to start a conversation about his new...
  11. Green on Green

    The most fucked up night ever!!!

    Yo, just go over there. Like you said they are cool people so there isnt a chance of getting a hole stomped in your ass. Prepare a note in advance in case he isnt home. Bring your bags and a shitload of the dankest shit you have and explain your story. The worst that can happen is he tells you...
  12. Green on Green

    Why Dont Baby Cows...............

    .................Get Milk Mustaches?
  13. Green on Green

    Harvest Top Colas--Let Nugz Grow

    Sounds interesting...would like to hear other experienced growers opinions on this
  14. Green on Green

    A Little View Of My Garden

    Will do, Thanks
  15. Green on Green

    A Little View Of My Garden

    HOLY SHIT!!! 50 gallons?!! Thats ridiculous.
  16. Green on Green

    St. Johns Wort

    Thanks Lacy!
  17. Green on Green

    St. Johns Wort

    Hey growers, I have St. johns wort growing in my front yard. I decided since I have been feeling a bit down lately I would give the herb a shot. Does anyone know any tried and true methods of dosing this stuff? I heard you can make tea from the fresh leaves (dont have to dry it) but I'm not...
  18. Green on Green

    Pictures From First Time Gardener!

    Off to a good start, what is you have there? If I had to guess I would say pumpkin or squash of some kind, beans, and lettuce?....but I could be completely off. Happy Growin
  19. Green on Green

    A Little View Of My Garden

    Yah, I forget the name of the seed but its from burpee and the pack says they get up to 100lbs
  20. Green on Green

    A Little View Of My Garden

    Just a few of the plants from the garden: Eggplant Basil Cherry Tomatoes A little pumpkin All organic, I use Cock-A-doodle-Doo ferts, and a bb gun for the squirrels