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  1. B

    Oh no, will this be a problem

    I screwed up, after my last grow I didn't change my light timer so my new plant has been on a 12 / 12 light schedule. After a month or so I noticed the plant looked like it was flowering, duh! I have switched it back to 18 / 6... Is it doomed or will it be stunted in growth? what would I do...
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    First time here I want to learn about cooking with pot

    Hello all, i am a long time pot smoker but have never eaten it. I have always thought that the weed would last longer if used by smoking it and to dump a ounce or so into brownie mix would be gone in a couple of days. Can you suggest a link Where I can go to read up on the subject? thanks
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    Weird plant

    Thank you, we feel better now don't we precious...
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    Weird plant

    Hi everyone. I am growing one plant from a cheese seed. This is the strangest looking plant, it has really wide leaves. I think it could be a male, can a plant be a male without the influence of a female?
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    How to tell if my plant is done

    Thank you mr ganja...
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    How to tell if my plant is done

    I don't have a microscope to get up close to my plants so are there other ways to tell when to harvest?
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hi, how much longer on mine do you think?
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    Seeds, this is not what I wanted

    Stupidity, I guess.
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    Seeds, this is not what I wanted

    Here's to starting over, could I dry the leaves and make hash out of it?
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    Seeds, this is not what I wanted

    One plant has seeded out, what now? Should I end its life now and if so is any of it going to be worth smoking, I mean its all leaf no buds. RATS
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    Six weeks old, what do you think

    Someday maybe for my birthday, I'll get a better light. For now I will lower the light a bit and put the shorter plant on something to bring it up to the same height as the other. You guys are so nice, thanks
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    Six weeks old, what do you think

    One plant is taller with more branches than leaves, this one is Kalie Mist, the other one is shorter and with more leaves, this one is Skunk-Haze. Both plants were raised the same, in my closet under a mini sunburst light. I wish I had a better system buy it is what it is. At six weeks, how much...
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    Grow room smell

    Where is this available?
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    Grow room smell

    Greetings, any suggestions on how to cover up the pot smell coming from my grow closet. When you walk into my house that wonderful smell greets you at the door. Go forth and grow
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    Leaves on my little plants

    A sunburst mini, 150 watt sodium , in a small closet only two plants
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    Leaves on my little plants

    The some of the leaves on one of my 4inch tall plants are curling in and feel a little dry. They are getting enough water. I'm using happy frog soil and the light was maybe three inches from the top of the plant. is the light to close or is it something else? "I live in a constant state of...
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    My sprouts are still sprouts

    They have light, great Happy Frog dirt, water and they aren't growing. There normal looking 2 inch tall babies, but they have been this tall for a while. Am I impatient or are they hungry? HELP ME SPOCK
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    How long to leave the lights on

    Mr. Ganja, your photo is too too cute....Is that a chipmunk ?
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    How long to leave the lights on

    It's just a closet, enough space for two plants. Before my recent purchase of quality seeds, all I had for seeds was mex. dirt weed. They produced sturdy seedlings and lousy smoke. My new babies seem so fragile in comparison, making sure this time to do it right from the seeds to soil and light...