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  1. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    Definitely not what i want to hear..but at this point ill just be happy to have a harvest
  2. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    I believe it may be from a high salt build up in my soil since i used Miracle Grow =\ I'm going to flush it and see if that Helps... I dont want to lose my girl!!!
  3. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    I use Advanced Nutrients Micro, Grow, Bloom so yes i have Potassium in my nutes... But my feeding schedule is out of whack... Once i was told i had Nuteburn i didnt feed for a im hearing i might be locked out due to the soil i used...just dont know what should be the next step i take??
  4. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    Really confused on what I should do... i KEEP GETTING CONTRADICTING ADVICE..People are telling me NuteBurn..Some are saying my plant is just deficent...And others are saying that my salt buildup is probably high because of my soil, and that i should flush and only give water!!! Please Help me...
  5. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    temps are generally at 76° and 45 humidity
  6. RobotSmoking

    Need Help b4 Flowering

    Thanx for the Help Man i appreciate it!!
  7. RobotSmoking

    Need Help b4 Flowering

    i honestly wish i payed more attention to the soil i used when i probably was either the 3 or 6 month fert because i give low dosages of nutes and have even given no nutes for 10 days on 2 separate occasions because i thought i had nute burn..this probably would explain my...
  8. RobotSmoking

    Need Help b4 Flowering

  9. RobotSmoking

    Need Help b4 Flowering

    I used MG Potting soil with some peat moss and manure..It's what i had around for my tomato's...If i knew then what i know now i wouldnt have used it..For my next grow i plant to get FFOF with perilite..I pH my water at 6.5 and tested my run-off a few days ago..The run-off was around 7.0 maybe...
  10. RobotSmoking

    Need Help b4 Flowering

    Im a first timer here and I want to put my girl into flower A.S.A.P. due to space restrictions in my grow box...I read that I shouldnt put my plant into flower before i fix a few of the current problems I've been having during Veg. Im dealing with yellowing of leaves,,, Some Brown spots...and...
  11. RobotSmoking

    I need help!!!

    No pictures?? No description of problems?? All u said is that it's growing...Sounds like nothing is wrong!!!
  12. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    So yesterday i gave my plant some SuperThrive for the 1st time.. Looks like it helped out a little bit already... Pruned some off the Dead Leaves!!!! Would love some advice on feeding with Advanced Nutrients Micro Grow and Bloom
  13. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    I will definitely start giving nutes again since its not nute burn!!! i use Advanced Nutrients Micro, Grow, Bloom their whole feeding schedule is confusing as shit.
  14. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    Thanx for the advice man i appreciate it!!! New growth looks okay!!! Leaves are a little light!!! So you think my girl is just deficient???
  15. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    JUST TESTED MY RUNOFF..IT WAS APPROXIMATELY 7.0 ...I dont understand how i can be burning this plant..the last time i gave nutes was 8 days ago...and by that feeding i waited 10 days from the one b4 it..IM SUCH A N00B but eager to learn the ways of the JEDI!!!!
  16. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    Please help!!!! Plants only gotten worse...on the verge of death!!!!
  17. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    Brown spots are spreading and some leaves are just drying up and dieing on me... Don't really know what to do at this point!! Just foilar sprayed with Epsom Salt, hope that help a little!!!! Please Help Me!!!! Really need some good advice or some pointers. I want to put my girl into flower but...
  18. RobotSmoking

    1st Timer Here...Need Help!!! Lower Leaves Burning!!!

    whats the best way to raise and lower the pH of my soil if necessary????
  19. RobotSmoking

    Nute Burn?? Lockout?? Brown Spots spreading?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    I'm going to water my girl in a little bit and test the run-off pH..Probably going to give nutrients next watering!!