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  1. s1dth3k1d

    Wall Street NYC Outdoor Grow NEED HELP!!!

    Just looked at your vids again. I'm 100% sure 2-6 are males. Keep #1 because there's a good chance it's a girl. Your best bet at this point would be to order some auto fems. Go to and do a money order. Takes about 2 weeks to get your seeds. I ordered Dinafem Fruit Auto the other...
  2. s1dth3k1d

    Wall Street NYC Outdoor Grow NEED HELP!!!

    Hey buddy, hate to tell you but plants 2-6 are all males. Plant 1 looks like it might be a female but I'm not 100% certain. Males ALWAYS show sex about 2-3 weeks before females. That's why I'm thinking #1 might be a female because I didn't see any balls. Best of luck! Btw I'm right down the...
  3. s1dth3k1d

    Drying/Effects on sinuses/allergies

    I have the same damn problem. I read online that in commercial grows in dry climates such as Spain they actually pump humid air into their drying room to drag out the drying period and that that chlorophyll smell gets trapped into the bud and that's why it smells like hay. Maybe extending this...
  4. s1dth3k1d

    Drying/Effects on sinuses/allergies

    So how dry does the bud need to be? And if I pick all the leaves out next time that would help? Do the leaves contain allergens?
  5. s1dth3k1d

    Drying/Effects on sinuses/allergies

    Ever since I started my new hobby I've never quite been able to get the drying part down. My bud always ends up smelling like hay and drying too quickly. I have a new approach this time around (going to alternate between drying and curing) and drag the drying process out longer. I have noticed...
  6. s1dth3k1d

    Delay in flowering - Autoflower

    yeah.. auto's are kind of a bitch. not a big fan of them but decided to go ahead since i had some seeds.
  7. s1dth3k1d

    Delay in flowering - Autoflower

    I have two femenized auto's in my tent now and one of my plants hasn't flowered yet and the other has been budding for a week now. The one that hasn't flowered is showing preflowers and really started to branch out a lot. The one that is budding is sativa-dominant and the one that has only...
  8. s1dth3k1d

    Overdried bud

    How do u use the boveda packs? Never heard of that
  9. s1dth3k1d

    Overdried bud

    Lol yep.. U got me.. No just used vape bowl bong and j's
  10. s1dth3k1d

    Overdried bud

    Can overdried bud cause sinus problems? I way overdried my stuff and the smoke is pretty harsh. Ended up getting a sinus infection. Sucks that all that went to waste.
  11. s1dth3k1d

    Cfl side lighting

    Currently I have a plant under a 50w led ufo and a 24w led grow bulb. The tops look great but the branches under are stretching a lot outwards to get light. My question is on side lighting. How can i rig it up to put some cfl's in there without nailing into the wall or duct taping to the wall?
  12. s1dth3k1d

    Too much Perlite?

    My plant is 1.5 ft tall and everytime I water it near the stalk the plant falls over. Seems like the root system is weak and I'm thinking because I might have put too much Perlite in it. Is there a way to make your soil more dense? My soil seems to be too airy. :wall:
  13. s1dth3k1d

    Everytime I water...

    Thing is I did mix perlite in the soil. I guess just not enough.. It's an autoflower so I guess they need even more drainage. Oh well.. learned my lesson. Hopefully it won't hurt me too much in the end. It's Grape Muerto Auto by Barney's Farm. Tough little fucker.
  14. s1dth3k1d

    Everytime I water...

    Yea I'm pretty sure I am overwatering but it's been 5 days since the last time I watered. I watered barely to runoff this past time and it still is drooping.. Idk if it's the strain or soil or what but all I know is that I'm going to be a lot more conservative now with my watering.
  15. s1dth3k1d

    Everytime I water...

    Every freaking time I water my plant gets all droppy on me immediately after. I've got a pot with several drainage holes so I know that's not the problem. Anybody have an idea what could be causing this?
  16. s1dth3k1d

    Dinafem - California Hashplant, Blue Hash

    Well the cali hash is low odor and the blue hash has blueberry which i like.
  17. s1dth3k1d

    Dinafem - California Hashplant, Blue Hash

    So I'm thinking about getting a pack of either California Hashplant or Blue Hash. Does anyone have any experience with either? I was kinda worried about the smell with the Blue Hash. I know the Cali Hash is low odor.
  18. s1dth3k1d

    Pot size?

    Thanks man. Yea i've got a shit ton of 1 gallon pots, 2 gallons and 3 but I just didn't know if those pots would be best for the box.. Thought about getting some square ones too but didn't know what sizes they came in.
  19. s1dth3k1d

    Is it a bad dream or what?! need your advice...

    Don't feel bad man. I had a few plants outside this past summer and one was a monster. Didn't even get full sun all day but massive. Ended up being a male. I was so mad. My other one was a damn runt and i got about 2 grams off it. Pathetic. Live and learn tho i guess. I'm prolly gonna just stick...