I wouldnt bomb it with anything from a regular store like wal-mart or a hardware store... Try your local grow shop, they know why you are there and will lead you in the right direction... personally I would just get some of that soap insecticide and make sure you rinse it real well...
so not even with the "parabolic" hood that "distributes the light so evenly?"
well.... thats what I gotta go with.... FDD... Great to see you, hope Im able to make myself at home again here.. Ill be showin off these 16 pretty soon......
Somebody told me that the 400mh in my sun-systems 4ft parabolic wouldnt be sufficient enough for 16 buckets that are 12in wide (4ft by 4ft)...... I disagree because I can get that 400mh like less that six inches from those girls..... Im lookin to get those about ass-cheek high with the...
1. Im impressed.
2. You are my ideal girlfriend
3. Will you marry me?
4. Oh yeah, my names GraF.
For real though, you got the hydro down... I tried doin the same thing with the rubbermaid but my clone passed so I just gave up on that and decided to stick to soil... but...
Id say 3ft.... Id also say do it right away...
are you waiting for something specific to happen first??? Id do it to get it over with- jst in case of like transplant shock or something- you dont want to slow them while flowering
that looks like a definate nitrogen deficiency to me..
go to the grow FAQ at the top of the screen and then go to plant problems... then the deficiency tab... etc.
seek and you shall find
Wow!! Ive been away from the site for a while and since then I have only spoken to a few of my old buddys.. so.. come say hi... and if I have never met you please feel free to introduce yourself and always feel free to come at me w/ any questions... peace and buds
DAMN!!! long time no see fellas.. sk3tch3, fdd... just seen you two here so I wanted to say hello... gotta be quick though... PM me if you want to see a couple pics. later guys