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  1. M

    only ONE plant growing!

    thanks i just ordered some now. im going to try spraying a mix of garlic and habenero pepper to kill off the mites in the meantime. if it works well i will just return the chemical stuff later but at least i have it for backup now. and i don't really have a way to cool the tent down but do you...
  2. M

    only ONE plant growing!

    damn that stuff is expensive. Have you tried the habenero pepper spray? would that work? hopfully somthing that would be much cheaper.
  3. M

    only ONE plant growing!

    After looking at them a bit closer i do see they have mites again. This is such a nightmare, i had to scrap my old plants because of mites too. I already took the whole thing apart and wiped it all down and they are already back. I will try avid. will i have to flush the plants at the end? and i...
  4. M

    only ONE plant growing!

    well i dont see mites anymore, nor any little webs under the plants. How would you suggest getting rid of them. I just had 1500 lady bugs going wild in there not too long ago. I will get rid of the auto water, it has actually flooded once while i was away for a few days so thats another...
  5. M

    only ONE plant growing!

    after a few failed attempts at hydroponics/LP aero I decided to switch over to soil. I am using a mix of Fox farms Ocean Forest, Light Warrior, and planting mix. I heard this should have most of the nutrients i will need from seedling to flower. I started with 4 clones that i got at a...
  6. M

    Please delte account

    Could any moderator delete this account? I love this site and just recently created a new username with my new email. I have no purpose for having a new acount and i would really apperciate any help deleting this account.
  7. M

    Roots are brown, plants are saggy

    wow that looks really good. i will have to try that if the aqua sheild doesnt work. I would have just done that to begin with but i have already purchased some superthrive and aqua sheild and dont have the money for anything else. I stayed up all night last night moving my plants back to my...
  8. M

    Roots are brown, plants are saggy

    I am using botanicare nutrients and yes i beleive they are organic. My roots are constanstly submerged but i do have a sandstone bubbler in the bottom of my rez. i try to keep the res around between 65 and 75 and my ph stays between 5.8 and 6.3. I did take carfully pick the roots up and look at...
  9. M

    Roots are brown, plants are saggy

    I cant tell if this is root rot or just stained from the nutes im using. i got some aqua clear i will be adding to my reservior in a few days and once my plants are back to health i will be cloning them and starting over. what do you guys think? should i trim my roots? do they look rotten? i...
  10. M

    Help Please? Possible root rot?

    ok that makes sense. thank you guys a ton. the last thing i guess i am curious about is cloning. i think i have decided to just scrap these plants into a bunch of clones and start over from there. should i wait a bit and let them get healthy again before i do that or just start cloning once i...
  11. M

    Help Please? Possible root rot?

    other than the one plant that is dying why would my plants not be ready to bloom? the two good ones are both over a foot tall and are 60 days old. I thought 3 months was the time is takes for them to mature from seeds?
  12. M

    Help Please? Possible root rot?

    How would i go about trimming back my roots? i dont want to mess anything up, im thinking about transplanting the best (middle) plant into its own bucket as a mother, and cloning out the really tall one, and then trashing the one that is probably dying. any suggestions? how do i go about...
  13. M

    Help Please? Possible root rot?

    Hey guys i have been in the process of moving this past week and had left my plants at my girlfriends house for safe keeping. it seems as if sombody had left the lid off my home made low pressure aero/bubble ponics system and all the reserviors water was in the bottom of my tent. The plants had...
  14. M

    What light should i use?

    Thanks man, yeah i have been misting them and one of them sprouted today. I am hoping the setting i have my light on is good though because the only light i have currently is my led. I just don't know which switch is for vegging.
  15. M

    What light should i use?

    Hey guys i recently started my grow journal over here... I was wondering though, i have just put my germinated seeds in the jiffy pellets. What color light should i put them under? I am using the Pro Grow 260 with...
  16. M

    First Grow Ever! Low Pressure Aeroponics w/LED

    Alright, so I have been researching growing my own bud for a few years now. This will be my first grow ever, and i have decided to go with a low pressure aeroponics system using a Pro Grow 260 LED light. I figured i would set up a grow journal since they have helped me so much in researching and...