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  1. L

    Stuff to do while high etc...

    I sometimes do the same thing you do. Get high on the couch watching ESPN or something, and then I feel like I'm wasting it.. so I'll force myself to switch it up. Here's a list: - If you have a dog, go outside and play with it. Dogs kick ass when your high! - Video games - Movies. Especially...
  2. L

    White widow. 5 weeks flower. Great pics!

    Yeah, I don't think the smell was that strong until harvest. That's when it took over the house. It's REAL bad at the moment since I'm cooking up some butter. Anyway, I'm all done with the initial drying, and just finished up the buds. Here are a bunch of pics... including a couple of the...
  3. L

    White widow. 5 weeks flower. Great pics!

    Yes, that's right, I was running BOTH the MH and HPS at the same time. (800W total - 5 plants) I angled them slightly towards eachother. Anyway, I harvested last weekend... all my plants at the same time, but they were at differing maturity levels. One was VERY mature (atleast 1/2 trichomes...
  4. L

    White widow. 5 weeks flower. Great pics!

    5 plants. As far as yield, I honestly don't know. I'm guessing close to 10 ounces. I'm on day 51 of flowering now and most have stopped getting noticably bigger. They're starting to fill out, hairs are starting to turn red, however, most of the trichomes are clear or milky. I'll post some pics...
  5. L

    AK-47 CFL Soil Grow

    Looking good so far, man. I'll be watching this thread and AK-47 will be my next grow. Good luck!
  6. L

    How long shall i flower her for ??

    If you have a constricted time range, then you may want to plan ahead. Better to harvest less bud that's ready than harvest more that's not. If it's not looking complete 2 weeks before your drop-dead date, you can cut your lamp hours to 10/14 to quicken the finishing process.
  7. L

    White widow. 5 weeks flower. Great pics!

    Sorry to get back to this thread late. Had a thunderstorm roll through last night and knocked out power. My girls lost about 3-4 hours of "daylight." Oh well, shouldn't cause too much problem at this stage. No, I didn't top or LST them, and I regret that a little now. Next time I definately...
  8. L

    White widow. 5 weeks flower. Great pics!

    Thanks for the compliments, people. Actually, I don't find the smell to be that strong at all, and I'm not using any filter to remove it or anything else to mask it. Maybe it's just the strain and someone else can either confirm or deny that. I keep waiting for the smell to really kick in but...
  9. L

    White widow. 5 weeks flower. Great pics!

    I haven't gotten high in 7 months. Check out the resin on a couple of these close-ups! At 5 weeks, you think I'm getting excited? :mrgreen: I have no tolerance at all. This shit's gonna blow my mind... I can't wait... hehe.
  10. L

    pots & what to do with the rest of the soil?

    Ok, hopefully this'll answer some of your questions: - Your sprouted seeds should be planted, sprout down. 2 inches seems kind of deep. I would say 1/2 inch would be better. - I would just keep the leftover soil in the bag. That way it stays clean and easy to use for the next time. I guess...
  11. L

    Plant Question???

    I guess you could raise your light to promote more stretching, but I'm not sure why you'd do that. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. The plant looks good. If the bottom leaves aren't getting enough light, then they'll eventually fall off or die. It'll stretch a lot more when you flower it...
  12. L

    I AM NOT A MORON, but

    They're not easy to use and it takes a *very* steady hand. I found that I had to turn off the fans as well. Any movement from the plant and forget about it. You don't want the plant between the plastic and the lense. Also, make sure it's at its lowest magnification setting.
  13. L

    Is These Buds Or Flowering??

    Hard to give advice since you didn't mention how long you've been growing and at what light schedule, so I'll just say this... Yes, they are flowering and yes, those are buds. However, they are not ready to be harvested. I would start reading some more in the harvesting and curing forum so you...
  14. L

    start flowering????

    12 hours on, 12 hours off. Some people start flowering with a 36 hour dark period, but it's not necessary.
  15. L

    male plants

    They still make buds, but most people don't want their females pollinated because: 1) It results in decreased bud production (ie. not as much). 2) Their buds will be filled with seeds that are not fun picking out, nor are they fun smoking.
  16. L

    worried about veg state

    It's probably just pre-flowering, which is basically just the plant telling you its ready. I'm guessing the plants have been growing for atleast 4 weeks? If so, this is probably what it is. You can still continue to veg it if you'd like more size on it before flowering.
  17. L

    should i flower or not?

    If it were me, I would start in 2 days. That makes an even 4 weeks for vegging and you're plants are PLENTY big. They'll grow much bigger when flowering, so be ready for it.
  18. L

    is it good for your plant

    If you're speaking strictly of fertilizer, than MG will do fine. I found Peter's Professional all purpose mix (29-10-5) at Lowes and at it worked just fine. I would just stay away from the MG potting soil, organic or otherwise.
  19. L

    is it good for your plant

    I know options are limited for some people, but I would advise AGAINST getting Miracle Grow Organic. I picked some up before starting my grow and it had fungus gnats in it. I looked at reviews at and others reported the same thing. I ended up ditching that and finding an open nursery...
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    watering help

    You shouldn't have to worry about the lights drying the plant out unless you're not watering the soil. No need to mist.