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  1. Hen09andHen13

    A Few quick questions on CFL and general indoor growing.

    thanks all, unfortunately don't have the money to spend on better expensive lamps and i forgot to state that i'm only using these lamps until the plants are big enough and the weathers good enough for them to go outside, so the cfl will just have to do for now and seems to be working fine at the...
  2. Hen09andHen13

    A Few quick questions on CFL and general indoor growing.

    I have put a few post on the newbie page but this is my first thread so firstly hi to you all. This is my first grow and i am growing The Joint Doctors - LOWRYDER seeds. Bit of info on lowryder ((This unique variety will dramatically expand the range of possibilities for aspiring...
  3. Hen09andHen13

    Welcome New Members!

    thanks runagi but i dont have the money to buy those lights but at what stage will they start to stink out my room? because then i will move them outside, i have just planted them 2day.
  4. Hen09andHen13

    Welcome New Members!

    my window is on the fourth floor facing a filed which is never used other than me on my quad ,so not a problem of getting caught in the window but will the light be good enough. and also does any one know if my 2 desk lamps with my normal halogen roof lights be sufficient for the plants to grow?
  5. Hen09andHen13

    Welcome New Members!

    ok thanks.
  6. Hen09andHen13

    Welcome New Members!

    hey, im new to this and also growing green. im living in the UK and have read up on growing but there are a few things i am unsure on and would greatly appreciate any help that you could give me. I have just stared germination and have a few of my 5 seeds sprouting roots. i am living with my...