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  1. notmebutthisguyiknow

    I need someone with outdoor winter crop experience to give some honest answers

    A friend of mine did a winter crop last year in sf bay greenhouse he kept temps and humidity right but didn't use any tarp to control the end the buds were to loose so he ran it all for hash and oil.and he says he won't be doing it this year.but here's hoping u get better...
  2. notmebutthisguyiknow

    Growing in the Swamp

    I've seen people put them in a tree u can always do a couple that way
  3. notmebutthisguyiknow

    Root Rot In Outdoor Potted Pot Plants

    Well new growth is green so jus keep doin wat ur doin and don't put poroxide in ur soil
  4. notmebutthisguyiknow

    SCROG screen too crowded ? Recommendations please.

    I would jus say use the 150 for a lil more light and buy the 6 next go around if u think u need it and jus lolipo a lil bit and focus on those tops
  5. notmebutthisguyiknow

    Has po po, five o, 1 time, jake, the man visyed your garden!

    Vallejo ca atleast 20 for 3 years no visits.. one grow in clearlake ca 30 sheriff stopped in to check scripts and said watch out for the theives
  6. notmebutthisguyiknow

    Eye In The Sky

    that's hella funny cause every time someone flies over my garden I flip em the bird but then again this is cali
  7. notmebutthisguyiknow

    I am killing myself tonight

    O wemon problems
  8. notmebutthisguyiknow

    Is it obvious what you grow??

    O yea they always assume ur growin pot they think if u were growing anything else ud be at orchid supply or some shit an if u ask em about tomatoes thel all be stummped matter fact I don't even think they sell any type of seeds at my local hydro store but then again this is cali
  9. notmebutthisguyiknow

    Can I clone this? Pic inside

    Do it as low on the 2 as u can without taking the number 3 node
  10. notmebutthisguyiknow

    Girl Scout cookie Clones (fake)

    Yea there's a lot of that goin on in the bay area an how bout tese new shit fortune cookies aka almost cookies hahaha this is y I try to avoid clubs in genral an stick with the little group of growers I know and trust
  11. notmebutthisguyiknow

    need a little help plz RIU

    And there is ur answer if u do spray dodnt do it with the lights on it will burn ur leaves
  12. notmebutthisguyiknow

    My plants are doing good but they keep changing from a healthy green to a pale green.

    New growth is usually a lighter green are they getting bigger maybe new growth is turning darker while the keep growing new new sites that are a lighter green
  13. notmebutthisguyiknow

    Can Plants Recover From Sun Burn?

    Should be cool I had a grape ape last summer leaves turned white from the sun those leaves stayed white but the plant came back
  14. notmebutthisguyiknow

    need a little help plz RIU

    Yea foliar feeding not so much did u do it with lights on
  15. notmebutthisguyiknow

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    No offence but I saved these pictures in my phone and ima show people an we shall laugh.but don't let it discourage jus keep reading an keep growing ul get it down
  16. notmebutthisguyiknow

    "gene splicing" college credit

    Do the thang man jus don't do it to late seeds need time to develop jus like buds,and keep ur fingers crossed it gets the good traits from bolth an u don't end up with a retard child,but u also have to keep the strain alive till u harvest some incase its the best strain in the world
  17. notmebutthisguyiknow

    how she lookin

    I would smoke the shit out of that
  18. notmebutthisguyiknow

    My set this going to work?

    Jus put it this way each plant needs a 1x1 space atleast
  19. notmebutthisguyiknow

    transplanting while lst-ing

    Na wen u take the ties off they should only spring up a lil but I usually jus go from red dixie cups strait to my finishing pot
  20. notmebutthisguyiknow

    I broke my lady

    It will jus be a bit more harsh an maybe taste odd depending wat u were feeding it, might not even pop at all but it will be the same high.its all good man im sure u couldnt count the times u got some tree that needed to be flushed out an u thought to urself this tree is dank coughing ur lungs...