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    natural insect repellent?

    Sup guys! So I was thinking about buying foxfarms don't bug me insect repellent. Has Anyone used this product. Is it omri certified? Any other omri certified insect repellents out there? Thanks
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    purple outline on seedlings

    Use ur imagination. Only couple days old
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    purple outline on seedlings

    What does this mean?
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    soil and ph

    you dont have to add anything to that soil besides perlite. last time i checked the ph of a brand new bag of FFOF it was 6.7 but you should always check the ph of your soil.
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    what can I do to grow atleast 3 pounds of dry bud in a 5x5 area with 1000 watt light

    More lights, more space. You should expect .5 for every watt
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    Can anyone tell me what strain these are? or if they are male or female?

    Looks like you have a calcium and magnesium deficiency. Have u flushed?
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    Can anyone tell me what strain these are? or if they are male or female?

    Hey there. 2 of em look like females, not about the other one but I think it male or hermie. I would need better pics to tell for sure. Also looks like you might have salt build up and or nute deficiency. Not sure if its og but its for sure an indica so it might be
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    Is my Compost Tea suppose to start foaming eventualy?

    Actually Its not called liquid squid its biomarine from GO
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    Is my Compost Tea suppose to start foaming eventualy?

    Smells a bit fishy must be the liquid squid
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    Is my Compost Tea suppose to start foaming eventualy?

    Hey there. 2 tbs of kelp meal, 4 tbs of molasses, 2 tbs of liquid karma, 1 tbs of GO black diamond, 2 tbs of GO liquid squid , half cup Jamaican bat guano, half cup earthworm castings
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    Is my Compost Tea suppose to start foaming eventualy?

    Sup guys! Very excited to make my very first compost tea. its only been a few hours since i started brewing. no foam yet. does it have to foam? i was told not to rely on foam as a quality assessment that foam is typically an indicator of free protein, amino acids, or carbohydrates.
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    Nutes for Seedlings?

    Thanks guys. Does the same apply for autoflower?
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    Nutes for Seedlings?

    When can i start giving nutes to seedlings? i was thinking i can make tea containing just earthworm castings, molasses and liquid karma. is this too much? i plan on using sunshine mix 4. thanks. also, is a T5 too intense for seedlings?
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    Why bubbled water?

    thanks guy. So if I bubble the water for 48hrs all the chlorine will dissipate? Then I could use it for compost tea?
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    Why bubbled water?

    what about for compost tea?