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  1. therichbum

    Bare bones bagseed<3

  2. therichbum

    Bare bones bagseed<3

    WOrd man thats whats up, ive got some spare organic soil in the shed. ill prolly just use that then. thanks for the advice. When would u reccomend steping up the size on thoose pots?
  3. therichbum

    First time CFL grow using Homebox™

    MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i Cant Wait till mine get that big!! thoose are some butes!
  4. therichbum

    Bare bones bagseed<3

    GEEZZZZ!!!! THese fuckers grow so fast:hump:
  5. therichbum

    First time CFL grow using Homebox™

    tuned in, turned on and dropped out.
  6. therichbum

    Bare bones bagseed<3

    Yea one thing led to another next thing u know u got felony manufactureing on your hands!!LOL. but im haven so much fun raises these.... im hooked for life. hopefully this is the beggining of a beautiful relationship as i can see this hobby is only gonna get better!:mrgreen::mrgreen:
  7. therichbum

    Bare bones bagseed<3

    Miracle grow flower soil man,, they seem to love it+ its cheap
  8. therichbum

    Bare bones bagseed<3

    Here are some recent pics from today, have yet to get the light splitters.
  9. therichbum

    Bare bones bagseed<3

    Ive been A heavey smoker my whole life but never really been able to grow. THis first one is more an experiment than anything else. Ive been lurking here awhile and love all the knowledgable users and would like to think everyone of u for sharing your skills\experences. SO I have various...