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  1. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    Week 14 - Fully female, but sudden heavy yellowing of some leaves that were already doing questionably making me super nervous. I flushed with some water a bit with no nutes just in case, plus it rained for the first time in quite some time yesterday. Picked off most of the really badly yellowed...
  2. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    Week 13 - She's doing well, but I can't tell if the nodules over halfway down are new growth or a sign of hermie. Can't get a very good photo of them either. *Sigh* Guess I'mma find out the hard way. Rest of the plant looks gleefully female, the tops are all covered in fluffy white hairs in...
  3. CamGirlKitten

    Hermie or normal?

    Most of my plant is gorgeous and in full flowering, little white pistils everywhere and happy green leaves, but even before those started showing up, just over halfway down the plant, hidden by most of the foliage are two or three little nodules on the base stem near where they connect. I'm...
  4. CamGirlKitten

    Clone Issue

    What kind of soil are you using? This kind of thing started happening with my clone at first, but it turned out to be because it was getting nutrient burn because the nuts in the soil I used were too strong. Go easy on new clones, just try some Black Gold at first.
  5. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    My biggest issue is security. I have no idea how to remedy the security problem, as I pretty much live in the worst possible place to do this (right next to a road, kind of low fence, no backyard all side yard and back porch, and people walk along the fence through the church parking lot all the...
  6. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    OMFG. Late Oct/Nov before I can even pluck/dry/cure? Seriously? *dramatic faint*
  7. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    Turns out all I had to do to make it easy on myself was keep a close eye on her and put her outside to do her thing naturally. Next summer I'm going to try for 6 instead of just 1 but wanted to make sure I wasn't terrible at it first, lol. I haven't the slightest clue how much she'll yield...
  8. CamGirlKitten

    Female with pollen sack?

    I agree that it looks like a hermie, and appears to be pretty far along at that.
  9. CamGirlKitten

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    If they're eating your bud, just eat them. lol
  10. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    8/17 - (Week 10): Oh god the stress. She just went into preflowering, and I can't yet tell if she ended up being hermy or full female yet. It's too early to tell, but from what I've seen I think my little girl's finally turning into a woman. :3 I enlarged the photo a bunch, and you can see...
  11. CamGirlKitten

    Major set back for Marijuana legalization in Oregon.

    The problem was they were asking a bunch of stoners to sign a petition. Tons just ignored the part where you have to be a local resident that's registered to vote, and the rest probably accidentally signed multiple times, forgetting they'd signed before.
  12. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    I decided to use some green lace to gently tie the two main stems over for a bit so the bottom branches get some more light.
  13. CamGirlKitten

    new to portland

    Collective Awakenings has always impressed me with what they've got. I flat out let them know what I'm looking for, and they never disappoint, and carry quite a few top strains. Collective is near the cross of 28th and sandy and has no membership fees.
  14. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    It's been quite an auto-pilot experience since moving outside, which I'm tickled about. I'm wondering if I should grab a few clones off of her and start a few others, but its kind of late for that.
  15. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    Since moving the plant outside on 7/3, she's been doing FANTASTICALLY! Go figure, good ol' Oregon combined with a large container and lots of fresh waterfall water. She's in full sun for most of the day, and should naturally begin the next stage naturally as well, thanks to our timing...
  16. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    * 6/30 - Found tiny little white egg looking things on the bottoms (and very rarely tops) of plant overnight. Took a flashlight and meticulously picked off and crushed each and every single one, and do not appear to have any pest problems at all otherwise (no bugs/webbing found). I'm so...
  17. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    * 6/29 - She's up to 13"
  18. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    haha, I have no problem showing my face, but I sent the photo to my dad so used the paper to hide the massive amounts of cleavage. lol I also have never cut any leaves, there were quite a few cut when I first got it and they never grew back or fell off.
  19. CamGirlKitten

    First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

    I've done an obscene amount of reading over the last month on growing, so hopefully I think I've got most of it down. Despite that, I'm a poor broke ass and spend all my cash on medical smokables instead of supplies, so I'm kind of having to wing it for now. I got the clone from my local...