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  1. L

    Newbie to this

    I am sure you find all this info overwhelming....I did at first too! But I am in a similar situation moneywise, not working on disability insurance in Canada I bought my grow light off e-bay for 40 bucks plus del, got bulbs this way too Bought a large bag quality soil, started with Jack's both...
  2. L


    Depends on whar your using....I have been using Jack's and I have given it every watering at 1/4 tsp per gallon, which is relatively low....but I like to alternate with plain water and molasses, esp when getting to flowering. Hope this helps? lol I figure why use expensive neuts when you don't...
  3. L

    10 wks flowering hybrid

    Thx! But I am no sis...LOL I'm a bro just my username, it's a security thing! The main colas are hard and solid got lots of others and tons of popcorn bud too!
  4. L

    10 wks flowering hybrid

    Here a pic of the plant in question.....I fimmed it so it has multiple colas and unfortunately a wee spot where lights got too hot....but I feel it looks pretty good even if it's a sativa hybrid any ideas how much I will yield?
  5. L

    10 wks flowering hybrid

    That's what I figured as well...I just kept giving it 1 more watering, 1 more 1 watering....but now feel it may be time to I will let it dry out a tad and then's what the Cdn govt is giving as the only strain of med mj....mediocre quality, but I hope by finishing late I can...
  6. L

    10 wks flowering hybrid

    Do you mean continue with lighting for 12 hrs a day or less.....I do believe it may be Sativa but it's a hybrid of both Ind/Sat....I guess it's leaning more towards Sativa! lol I gave it 24 hrs of darkness at boxing day but now have gone back to lights but not directly on the plant....other...
  7. L

    10 wks flowering hybrid

    I am at the 10 week mark and seeing a few amber trichs but by no means a % at this point....I am wondering is it unusual for a plant to flower this long? I had lock out issues in veg but remedy'd that....not counting the "stretch" time it's 10 weeks, I have been giving it extra dark hrs and...
  8. L

    Best way to use Jack's Classic Fertilizer

    I have been using Jacks for my first grow with amazing results...and usingmuch less than the instr said, I usually give 1/4 tsp per gallon and it's been great Also I ordered mine online on EBAY from a guy in Pennsylvania state $8 ec tub and delivery to Canada for less than $45...great deal, plan...
  9. L

    When to start looking for sex

    I think it's just a bit early from what I can tell....not long though prob 2 days or 3 at most, Good luck!! I have 3 going and not positive about sex on 2 out of 3, looks like 2 out 3 ain't bad....LOL ! Last grow only got 1 female out of 3 so anything will be an improvemnt over that...
  10. L

    Is Jack's Nutients organic?

    Wowzer...never thought my ? wud cause so much debate....but interesting stuff nonetheless....I will prob give plain ph water for the remainder....just about 2 wks or less. Again with the flushing But did try my sample (after 1 day) dried not cured and it was good, smooth and...
  11. L

    Is Jack's Nutients organic?

    Hello to all.....I am fast approaching harvest time, just passed 8 wks ystdy so my question is I have been using Jack's or Peters (aka) and wondering if this product is says water soluable but nothing about organic, I am now switching over to plain ph water for the remaining...
  12. L

    Still time for nutes....week 7 flower

    Yes I agree I plan on that exactly....did the longer dark cycle last night 13 hrs will bump it to 14 tonight and even more so I get down to what everybodys saying.....I broke my reg camera just a loner from a friend like only other was 16!! TG Black Friday is coming! I will prob give...
  13. L

    3 weeks in, need advice

    These have been under 4 26 watt daylight cfl and some time under a 400 watt hpsI have been giving them nutes for about 10 days now at 1/4 strength to start, hoping for 2 females as last time ended up with only 1 out of 3
  14. L

    Still time for nutes....week 7 flower

    I will take your advice and reduce the hrs on starting tonight....but will try it 1 hr at a time for the next 2 weeks. seems like you've done your homework on the topic.....kudos and thanks for the input!!
  15. L

    3 weeks in, need advice

    I agree you need good drainage int he soil....perlite is great, also I use coco coir and vermiculite in my soil which is Pro Mix Prof (peat based)Looks like you need a better light....get a min 400 watt HID, IMO.....cheers and best of luck!!
  16. L

    Still time for nutes....week 7 flower

    I have never heard of only 8 on 16 off....I read to add 1 hr each day and work up to it, anyone else wanna weigh in? I also have 2 clones and 3 seedlings and only 1 reflector and 1 mh and1 hps 400 watt bulbs....but do have 4 26 watt cfl daylight 6500k on clamp lights and its quite...
  17. L

    Still time for nutes....week 7 flower

    Thanks for getting back.....I already gave it plain ph water...I guess I could go another round next time, afterall Peters is organic....thanks I am pretty darn proud, been a rough road, ended up with 2 males so I cloned the mother plant Oct 1 and they are doin fine!! LOL Going to transplant...
  18. L

    Still time for nutes....week 7 flower

    Hey all...I am growing a hybrid medical strain in Canada and have 1 mother plant in wk 7 of flower Seems to still have some white hairs esp on the top of the colas...I am wondering if I can squeeze in another dose of bloom nutes before I go to plain water....I also have given her 5 doses of...
  19. L

    Lighting for clones 12-12 OK?

    That's what I figured as well....being old enough to have pistils means old enough to flower too! I also FIM d them ystdy so I don't want to stress them anymore then need be....mind you they seemed to be doing great actually kept growing....they are healthy little gurls, an I luv them!! My very...
  20. L

    Lighting for clones 12-12 OK?

    Among my travels on the forums I read that you can give clones 12/12 lighting See I have 2 about 1 month old and flourishing with apporx 18 hrs a day...I have a mother in 5 th week of flower under a 400 hps, so it would be easier then putting the clones in cfl's for 4-6 hrs a day, everytime the...