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  1. C

    Some serios problems pls help

    tnx a lot man i will do that
  2. C

    Some serios problems pls help

    ok understand only plain water and then ?
  3. C

    Some serios problems pls help

    So cut them off and start another grow? what do you sugest?
  4. C

    Some serios problems pls help

    Hello Riu this is my first time growing so as a newb ... i was very excited when i seen them growing and sad when they had problems i invest a lot of feelings in this plants..but i think they are 3 months by now but i had problem with root bound and need it to change the pots i was using in...
  5. C

    guys what do you think?

    Nitrogen....5% Phosphor.....9% Potasiu....13% Organic matter.....2% algae extract.....2% vitamin B .....0.5%
  6. C

    guys what do you think?

    yes i live in spain and here the temperatures are around 39-40 degrees the thing is that a had to change the pots into a bigger ones couse of root bound thats why the buds are small... this is my first grow so.. :P i use a thing called CB-1 flowering got it from a plant shop ..i feed them 2...
  7. C

    guys what do you think?

    this are my plants :D
  8. C

    hello guys i`m a bit worried

    hey guys this are my auto ak`s 9 weeks and 3 days old i`m a bit worried about the plants pls can you advice me ? i had to go to work in other city for 2 weeks and i found them like this yesterday my girs was watered them but ...i still got a harvest or is over for me?
  9. C

    Guys pls help me

    so if i water 3 times a week will do the trick can i try that? if the problem persists i`l buy some nutes that she needs? or update some pictures?
  10. C

    Guys pls help me

    so in adition to this what should i do when should i whater what to buy to fix it? and how i administrate it? tnx
  11. C

    Guys pls help me

    when you say feeding regiment you meen wather? i water them once every 2 days
  12. C

    Guys pls help me

    hello guys rly sad because of this:( auto ak47 61 days old they was fine 3 days ago dno what happened with them ...i don`t use any kind of nute just organic soil and organic solution for bugs mist then 1 time a day around 20:00 rly dno what to do... pls can you give me some advices?
  13. C

    Hello guys need some advice

    hey friends got some problems with heat stress ... i have 3 plants 60 days old and i live in Spain Madrid. i grow outdoor and here temperature is around 38 degrees ..this morning when i watered them doens`t had anything on the leafs buy around 5am when i looked again they had some brown things...
  14. C

    Hello friends just tell what you think

    tnx guys for the nice words :D so tomorow i decided to buy some nutes but how long should i feed then ? and how ? i supose il buy organic still need to flush my plants?
  15. C

    Hello friends just tell what you think

    These are my girls auto ak`s 56 days old i don`t use any nutriments just an organic solution for the bugs so can you tell me if i`m doing good with them don`t want to mess things up tnx
  16. C

    Problem with my ladies pls help!!

    tnx a lot guys will do that tomorow at first hour ...
  17. C

    Problem with my ladies pls help!!

    guys i found this on my leafs and don`t know what is it or what to do with it pls can you help me tnx.
  18. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Tnx man apriciate i live in Spain so is probably the climate :P
  19. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello guys i`m Catalin i`m 25 years and this is my first grow :D auto ak 47 hope you like it any advice will pe useful tnx :D
  20. C

    Hey guys auto Ak 47

    hey guys this are my auto ak`s 47....36 days old from germination and it is my first time growing so if you can tell me that i`m on the right track apriciate tnx :D