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  1. T

    Ok the paper towel is drying when germinating my seeds!??!????????!?!!?!!!.

    To save a lot of hassle...give this method a try...I have had 100% germ success using this advice...Germination Peace Treetops Keep your screens clean and enjoy your efforts of your grow!!
  2. T

    Used neem oil, Now my plants look dead! Help

    How did you ever make out? Can one smoke the buds after being sprayed with the Neem? Thanks, Peace, Treetops :confused:
  3. T

    About to order from Dr. Chronic - YES OR NO?? Please Give Advice!

    Drop them an email, if you havent already...I've had good luck with them...and I live in the US... Good luck, Peace, Treetops :bigjoint:
  4. T

    Anyone in the U.S. buy any seeds from Greenhouse Seeds?

    Thanks for the info....I'll explain later...
  5. T

    Anyone in the U.S. buy any seeds from Greenhouse Seeds?

    Thanks for the info....I'll explain later...:peace: