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  1. J

    2014 Guerrilla Grow Uk - Auto's & Indicas - Uk Guerrillas!!

    I too will be giving outdoor growing a spin this year mainly because last year I had it all planned even had a bunch of clones vegging waiting for the last frost to come and go only for personal issues to get in the way. This year I am determined to give it another go. I have always leant...
  2. J

    First Micro/Stealth Grow Seems To Be Going Well Comments and Advice w PICS

    Hey everyone I am about 4-5 weeks through my first grow using CFL's I started out with 1 x 45w 6400k CFL and then about 3/4 weeks through I added a 65w 2700k (I know it is usually used for the flowering period) and my plant seemed to lap up the extra spectrum and suddenly started shooting up and...
  3. J

    Micro Grow - Plants Different Age When To Veg

    Ok I have encountered a slight problem of sorts. Firstly I only have one grow space and so I cannot have a vegging/flowering room separate, I have one plant from bag seed around 20-30 days old which had a stressful time so is not the usual size of a 20 day plant still around 15-20cm in height...
  4. J

    No Perlite Vermiculite Used Instead

    OK heres the story which actually kind of links into some of the other posts I have made on here but originally I used the very last of my perlite only to find out (when my PH meter arrived) that the soil was 8+, this of course left me with no choice at the time but to swap to the other bag of...
  5. J

    Citrus Winter Food NPK 20-20-20 Any Good and If So for veg or bloom

    Do you mean after the 6-8 wk the nutes that are in the soil already will be running thin so that is when to start using and wow I didn't think it would be suitable for the whole grow as I thought it no longer needed nitrogen or something along those lines :)
  6. J

    Citrus Winter Food NPK 20-20-20 Any Good and If So for veg or bloom

    Should I only use this for veg or is it fine for the complete grow???
  7. J

    Citrus Winter Food NPK 20-20-20 Any Good and If So for veg or bloom

    I have found some Citrus Winter Food in a cupboard and it states is has an NPK of 20-20-20 would this be OK for use during the veg phase someone told me yes but I am unsure whether or not this is actually the case and as it is here I have received my best advice so will see what you all have to...
  8. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    I guess the best thing to do would be to water with ph down for a while and look for any differences as I just tested the PH of the bag the soil came from and it is 7 so more then acceptable it has to be the water which is turning it alkaline surely?
  9. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    I already brought a bag of acidic soil it just didn't seem to stay that way for long plus my water comes from the tap at ph 8 which is probably what is turning it alkaline???
  10. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    So mixing in lime will bring my soil to 7 by not more alkaline. I have a big 3kg box of garden lime sitting right next to me, I was always under the impression that adding lime to ph 8 soil would do nothing at least no good I am surprised to hear it will bring my ph down. Is putting lime over...
  11. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    I'm guessing your in wales??? Looks like we have the same water PH roughly, think I'm going to buy that PH down made with phosphoric acid and see if my soil PH reduces as well (I like the fact my soil says "made for acidic soil loving plants)
  12. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    see my plants appeared to be growing fine in soil (before I became soil PH paranoid lol) and then I started getting all this different advice some saying I dont need to bother others saying I do :S I'm ordering some seeds this weekend and wanted to have everything I need to ensure I don't waste...
  13. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    Just the same with the nutes I'm using NPK 20-20-20 highly diluted though, those are only temporary as in my biobizz nutes will be here in a couple of days. My water is like 7.8 with/without nutes
  14. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    Good or not for bringing my water ph down -
  15. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    Garden lime will increase my PH not reduce it though?????
  16. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    Surely there is if my soil is PH 8 and my water is also ph 8??? What should I be doing to bring it down then???
  17. J

    Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)

    As the title state this will be more for those who grow in the UK as it seems elemental sulfur aluminium sulphate is near impossible to buy in the UK unless of course you feel like importing whole shipments lol My question is quite basic what do you use/recommend I use to lower my soil PH, I...
  18. J

    Acidifying Soil Help With Purchase

    is there anyone out there that has used phosphoric acid to make soil ph more acidic if so I would love to hear out it worked for you. God why can't I just buy sulfur or ali sulphate over here :(
  19. J

    Acidifying Soil Help With Purchase

    sulfur or aluminium sulphate would of kept me happy something a little unnerving using this when everyone seems to advise totally different methods, it doesn't help finding many people promoting the use of it in soil lol
  20. J

    Acidifying Soil Help With Purchase

    That link you posted won't ship out the US would of been a nice price after converted to £ lol yeah it appears that there is basically no where to get it from round here. Even perlite is going out of fashion it seems because I went into the biggest gardening store UK wide to be told we are no...