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  1. H

    How many lumens is TOO much?

    I don't think theres such a thing as too much light...
  2. H

    How come my seeds will not germinate?!

    I'll take that one!
  3. H

    Extremely Hot Temps...

    You can get some really good compact sized ones that osciallate at walmart for less than 10 bucks. I use a couple of them and it does me right.
  4. H

    Extremely Hot Temps...

    Is it possible to get another fan in there at least? Just somethin to help move that really hot air at the top of the canopy around?
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    Ok what the f**k is this!? First time grower Am I supposed to prune?

    I'm gonna go with Nute burn on this one, simply because of the MG moisture control soil. Its got "3 months" of food in it, so you cant really control when and how its gettin its nutes. It'll pull through though dude, I've grown with that soil. Next time I'd suggest an organic soil, with no...
  6. H

    Plant Dying - Need Help Asap

    Or bugs... I hope for your sake your plants have herpes or somethin! ha ha!
  7. H

    Plant Dying - Need Help Asap

    Dude, calm down you only gave a half hour for people to respond! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!! Its either a nutrient deficiency or too much nutrients, hard to tell since you have the MG soil with food in it! Good luck pissy pants!
  8. H

    MaryJane or BillyBob?

    Yup thats a billybob.
  9. H


    Use neem oil, works like a charm!
  10. H

    Yield Game! 21 plants, first grow

    I agree, about 4 weeks left. We can't really give you a number on yeild man, there are too many different factors that come into play. Just be patient, and how bout you tell us how much you get when that 4 weeks is up.
  11. H

    my plant hasent regrown it's head!!

    Growth could just be slowed because of transplanting. Doing that sort of thing stresses the plant out for a little while... ya know, like choppin its fuckin' head off does. Just kiddin, just give it time dude.
  12. H

    Is It True If...

    Water leaves? I've never heard that term before, which leaves would be considered the water leaves?
  13. H

    What's wrong with them this time? PIX

    Also, Royalnobody. Position the lights ABOVE the plants, but only about 2 inches or less above them. Notice, that the plants are growing TOWARDS THE LIGHT! One other thing, they're stretched as fuck! A very big sign that there is not enough light and its too far away from the plants.
  14. H

    how do you saving or cut down the power bill

    400 a month isnt shit. They welcome your money.
  15. H

    how do you saving or cut down the power bill

    P.S. The power company does not give a shit how much power you use. They like you to use lots of power, because they get more money from you. Just follow the advice given to you, i.e. DONT STEAL POWER & PAY YOUR BILLS ON TIME. Thats all you need to do.
  16. H

    how do you saving or cut down the power bill

    The CFL idea is good, swapping all your old incandescent bulbs for new energy saving cfls, will drastically cut down on your energy consumption bill. I did it a while ago, and proved to be very helpful.
  17. H

    First "noob" grow xXSativaxX

    It's a beautiful sight!
  18. H

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    To test the soil, you need a soil ph tester. You can pick one up from home depot for $15 or less. Its easy to use, just stick in soil and wait 30 seconds. Peace of cake. Do that, and let us know what it says. Did we go over drainage at all already? Make sure that your pot or cup or whatever your...
  19. H

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    Very good advice Ceestyle!
  20. H

    2lbs of bubba kush on 1 light

    Very impressive!