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  1. porkweed

    Portugal back garden LST grow

    update. harvested all but one plant, gave away and smoked a fair bit. pic attached of two icecream tubs of whats left 8) very nice gentle smoke, harvested a bit early and used no ferts at all. also pics attached of the one remaining plant, biggest plant so far.. i have been giving this plant...
  2. porkweed

    Portugal back garden LST grow

    thanks mr west, you are the best! really appreciate all your input since i started this grow journal.
  3. porkweed

    Portugal back garden LST grow

    new development, on one of the plants, quite a few leaves at the edges / underneath, are turning yellow.. (see attached pics) i tried searching for this problem, but i can only find info relating to plants in veg state. any ideas what is going on ?, should i change something ? it looks like a...
  4. porkweed

    Portugal back garden LST grow

    thanks mr west, a few weeks to harvest you think ?
  5. porkweed

    Portugal back garden LST grow

    things seem fine, just posting a couple of photos, because i thought i would try to take a few so i could have a close look at trichomes developing.. but my close-ups seem pretty crappy.. 8( I dont have a decent magnifying device..
  6. porkweed

    My first grow! questions for you within

    oh damn it, i just googled a bit for stipules, i was wrong, i thought this meant they were females, my bad. sorry!
  7. porkweed

    To move or not to move.

    yes!, i did the same thing yesterday, dug up a plant i had put out in a field (where it turned out to be quite shady and super dry bad soil i discovered) now the day after, i think plant already looks a bit perkier in its new pot. (a nice big container) go for it!, just be super careful and...
  8. porkweed

    My first grow! questions for you within

    yo!, healthy looking plants. good werk. the last photo in your last post is a female for sure (see attached pic) , cant tell in the other photos,
  9. porkweed

    hermi... what to do with IT???

    now that is is isolated, i would say plant it outside somewhere if your climate suits, cant do any harm. its nice to do that as opposed to just binning it. edit: somewhere secluded, edge of water if possible, you could return in a few months / years to investigate 8)
  10. porkweed

    Portugal back garden LST grow

    day ? / week ? 8) plants still seem happy, i got the fear so moved one into a nearby overgrown field, (see pic of thirsty plant - i need to visit more often to water when its hot) big buds flowering, will try and crop leaving enough to harvest again later in the year.. hope that works.. decided...
  11. porkweed

    First grow; advice on germination!!!!

    personally i think the napkin stuff is overly risky and complicated.. but thats just me. soak the seeds in a glass of water in a dark place for at least 24hr. then just bury them in good compost about 1 knuckle deep. that should work fine, should pop up in a couple of days on average (might...
  12. porkweed

    home made from scratch grow cab 2'deep 3'wide 4'tall

    nice lookin little house 8) is it operational now ?, moving plants in soon ?
  13. porkweed


    i love ireland, you bastards are the salt o the earth 8) good luck with the grow
  14. porkweed

    Like my plant disguise???

    hahaha, nice job man
  15. porkweed

    Simple vegetable tip for huge plants

    cool, nice tip, will try this with one of my many tomato and cucumber plants 8) cheers!
  16. porkweed

    Hi Everyone!

    welcome, lots of info to be found here, just getting started with a first grow myself. best wishes for all -
  17. porkweed

    Plants not in flowering stage but smells a little like bud?

    same thing here, i take it as a good omen, my plants are small, but smell sweet, perhaps they are going to flower early. good luck with your grow 8)
  18. porkweed

    Foxy: The White Widow

    not sure but, if the lights are not always on ?, you could spray the leaves with a little water, not straight from the tap of course.. looks great though, you might not want to change anything at this stage, i'm no expert.
  19. porkweed

    GrowLab 80 - G13 Pineapple Express ... [200w T5 veg / 400w HPS flower]

    awesome lookin.. i like your method of LST to the side.. love the light green shades in the new growth, i got the same thing myself right now, sweet!, good job
  20. porkweed

    Portugal back garden LST grow

    thanks again for your input mr.west, i think i will leave the clones, just because i have 4 other plants, i dont want to many. will take clones later in the year (or before if all the plants flower early). i like the idea of not having to purchase seeds in the future also. cheers.