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  1. K

    Post Xbox live gamer tags!

    i dont spend my time trying to find out peoples IP adress i dont know why your assuming that, this thread was about gaming online not paranoid assholes talking shit.
  2. K

    Post Xbox live gamer tags!

    yea no doubt bro. thanks for the advice if you play xbox hmu wit a private message with ur GT that way it aint public. peace brotha man
  3. K

    Post Xbox live gamer tags!

    all im saying is a gamertag is the least of your worries to track an IP if someone wanted it they would do it right from this site not go through microsoft first
  4. K

    Post Xbox live gamer tags!

    you posting on this site is trackable bro. just tryna game online lol relax man
  5. K

    Post Xbox live gamer tags!

    hit me up dude
  6. K

    fellow Xbox Live STONERS!

    hello fellow stoners, if there are any of you out there that play xbox live hit me up with a friend request on xbox. leave yours as well
  7. K

    Harvest Quesion

    yea im just gettin so excited to smoke my first grow. lol im like a little kid
  8. K

    Harvest Quesion

    yeah im gonna do that
  9. K

    Harvest Quesion

    whats an estimate in your opinion on how many more weeks to go?
  10. K

    Harvest Quesion

    about 3 and a half weeks. shes stinky as hell too
  11. K

    Harvest Quesion

    sorry camera is not too good
  12. K

    Harvest Quesion

    my wife has a digital cam so im gonna wait for her to be home and ill post pics. they both have been flowering for about 3 and a half weeks. last week i started using hydroplex on her and she responded amazingly. i was so surprised how much she swelled up and got frosty. and this is only bagseed...
  13. K

    Harvest Quesion

    hey i appreciate the response. from the information i gathered basically it seems like if the genetics are bad no matter how well of the environment its grown in, it will be basically the same. so what im worried about is taking too much time on these 2 bagseed plants for no reason when i can...
  14. K

    Harvest Quesion

    ok so basically this is my first grow i vegged them out for month and a half under 400 watt HPS. 18/6 they showed sex and unfortunately 4 out of 6 were male :( but being i wanted to do a test run on some bag seed to see if i have a green thumb im proud lol. i have 4 fem seeds of Dinafem...
  15. K

    Grow Container/ Roots Question

    okay my original grow space was in my attic but due to very ab normal temps i decided to put them down stairs where the house maintained a temp of about 68 and with my ventilation in grow box its about 75. Heres my thing. My plants seemed as if they just stopped growing and had me dumb founded...
  16. K

    Germinated Seeds Question

    thank you kind sirs.
  17. K

    Need Advice On Grow AREA

    Ok so i just moved my plants from the attic due to wayyy above average temps.. Now im in a jam because i dont have an enclosed space not being used down stairs.. any advice on what i can do? maybe put them in a corner? i have mylar... and idk where id hang my light as well.... HELP
  18. K

    Need Some Advice on Growth!!

    thanks for the advice, since then i moved them downstairs witch is a huge temp drop from the attic. my house thermostat says 65 with ac on. im trying to think of the best place to put the girls now. i dont have any enclosed spaces that arent being used.. any advice maybe put in the corner of my...
  19. K

    Need Some Advice on Growth!!

    man im a noob grower but damn i heard alot of horror stories on mites. hopefully thats an issue i can avoid for a while ha
  20. K

    Germinated Seeds Question

    Ok usually ill take a germinated seed with somewhat of a long root and plant but the plant usually sprouts very fast and tall. Heres my question can i plant as soon as the seed cracks and the little root tail is out? Thank you in advance guys