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  1. x.mistah

    Trim Fan Leaves??

    Ok guys got a plant about 2-3 weeks into flowering starting to get some buds. can I cut off the fan leaves, or should I leave them on? Pics coming later
  2. x.mistah

    Enough Light?, CFL 1 week flower

    Hey just want to know if this is enough light for two incica type strains. are the buds about the right size for 10 days in? Any imput is appreciated, here are the lights I have 1X100W CFL (big One on top) 1 60 watt CFL 1 75 Watt growtube Floro Total of 235 Watts And A closeup of the...
  3. x.mistah

    Making It Purple

    I've got some purple haze growing, and it didnt show any signs until I moved it indoors. The cooler temps brought out the new colors, try bringing it indoors (if not already so) or lowering the temp in your grow room. If not, don't worry there are plenty of great strains that are not purple that...
  4. x.mistah

    Are these pistils? Pics Inside

    yeeahh! I just saw some little white hairs today on about 4 nodes, will post later! Its a bitch
  5. x.mistah

    xbox 360

    word.... SmokinSanchez Usually play COD4, Halo3 and Madden09...see you on there
  6. x.mistah

    Are these pistils? Pics Inside

    Swwweeeet!!! That just made my day, and month!
  7. x.mistah

    Are these pistils? Pics Inside

    so it could be a male still?
  8. x.mistah

    best way to import seeds from amsterdam?

    Send a small figurine full of them, or a box of tic tacs. Or get on a plane and stash them in your dotus (space between your ass and balls) or hollow out a shoe by taking the sole out and lining it with seeds, but walk carefully :) Personally I would rather mail them than risk going to...
  9. x.mistah

    Are these pistils? Pics Inside

    Hey guys got some purple seeds and I began flowering about ten days ago, are these pistils? Is this a female? It has also stopped growing and seems to just be stuck growing the last set of four leaves at the top (hopefully a massive bud) but I can't tell if its a girl yet. Any thoughts? I don't...
  10. x.mistah

    Enough time to mature? *PIcs*

    I would say move the plant inside and flower if you are really worried, the first guy who posted you might make it but its gonna be close
  11. x.mistah

    Plant Changing Colors Overnight

    Ok so i had my plants outdoors until now, I recently hit them with 125W of CFL's on a 12on 12 off cycle. I went to check them this morning (about a week in) and there is this weird pink or purple color emerging between the leaves and at the top of the top leaves. Is it budding, or is there...
  12. x.mistah

    Do male plants smell?

    Ok I'm trying to sex my plants and I think (hopefully) they are female. Between the fourth and fifth node my plants have a very strong sour odor that seems to be coming from the tiny sac that usually shows sex. So far i only have two little green hairs coming out. Do male plants let off any...
  13. x.mistah

    First Time Outdoor Grow

    Well they keep growing...but no buds yet. I know the big one in this pic is a girl because she is starting to stink between the 4th and 5th nodes pretty sour! She is about three feet and it looks like she might keep going.
  14. x.mistah

    First Time Outdoor Grow

    well i was thinking that when it blooms it might help conceal the scent of the buds a little bit if it too is blooming? i might just chop it off because it is pretty obvious what i am growing now
  15. x.mistah

    First Time Outdoor Grow

    Ok so a few more days have passed and the plant is growing like a weed (no pun intended) and I am afraid that it might get out of the large trash can i put it in. If I leave this plant out in its current state without forced flowering, will it do it on its own if it is outside; that is to say...
  16. x.mistah

    First Time Outdoor Grow

    ok guys thanks for all the replies. I've decided that i'm too big of a pussy to transplant them for fear of them dying (them seem to be doing OK so far). Anyway here is a new picture of my three plants in their new home along with the rosemary. If I notice something wrong, then I might...
  17. x.mistah

    First Time Outdoor Grow

    Crap! is it too late to transplant the big one (its about 1.5-2 feet and has 5/6 nodes) its about 30 days old; i'm afraid its going to run out of room next to the rosemary. Is it too late to transplant, and if so, how deep should I dig?? If I don't transplant, will they mature/give me some...
  18. x.mistah

    Female or Male

    hah no, i just have a shitty camera phone. I'll give it a week and repost some better does look kinda like the picture posted except the ball is smack dab in the middle.
  19. x.mistah

    Female or Male

    Ok plant has about 5-6 nodes with small (you might not be able to see them) little balls developing where the leaf comes off the main stalk. Is this a male trait?
  20. x.mistah

    First Time Outdoor Grow

    Do you think if when they got more veg. that I could put them in a large trash can to force flowering, because they will only be getting 5-6 hours max when the sun is directly overhead. Or will it get too hot inside a trash can (plastic, not metal) for the plants. Its just that I have them...