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  1. The Big Man

    Puffy BUDS

    I think you got it. I didn't let them bud long enough. I was just looking at some pics of other buds with the brown hairs. I didn't let my hairs get brown... WTF:wall:
  2. The Big Man

    Puffy BUDS

    I use advanced nutrients.
  3. The Big Man

    Puffy BUDS

    Yes, I am growing white widow. 4 plants per light. Digital ballasts. one to two feet from the plants.
  4. The Big Man

    Puffy BUDS

    This is the second time I have had this problem. I hope someone can give me some insight. I use 1000K Lights. My plants grow fine and look beautiful. When I finally dry them out, the buds come out like air puffs. They look nothing like these tight nuggets like everyone else. They smoke great but...
  5. The Big Man

    could i get 3oz a plant? +rep led users

    I get 8 oz per plant with no side light. However I use Advanced nutrients and C02 with 1000 watt bulbs
  6. The Big Man

    Wanting to start a Hydro Grow, Pics of grow area, new to this please help :D

    Hydro is not very forgiving like soil. I love & grow hydro. Hydro needs daily attention for light adjustments Co2 is a big plus. The plants will grow an inch a day or much if you have good additives.
  7. The Big Man

    Males- Keep 'Em or Lose 'Em?

    I remember the days of getting the record album to clean my weed... :hump: Take it easy, its not that serious. The guy just asked a question.:blsmoke: