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  1. S

    PH Issue Sudden drop!

    Yep have a tri meter, 3 weks old, even took it back to make sure it was calibrated correctly just over a week ago, I also checked with the drop kit i have when i seen it that low and color looked right for 4.0-4.5 I started with the drop kit, but between the grow light, house lights and sun...
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    PH Issue Sudden drop!

    Update. So far back to a normal .1 to .2 rise per day. No clue what caused the sudden drop but i caught it and it does not appear to be ongoing. I treat every water change with 2.5ml %29 H2O2 per 15L of water, not sure if thats strong or weak, but being doing it since I started to make sure I...
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    PH Issue Sudden drop!

    Here is a couple pictures, everyone likes pics! Middle of the three top picks is the Sensi Star
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    PH Issue Sudden drop!

    Hey Guys, Tried to search for anything like this and came up with nothing. I had some issue with my PH rising at first, and that I have gotten past by using bottled water. PH was stable for almost 2 weeks at 5.5- 5.8. I am running RDWC, water never goes over 70 running 1/3 recommended nutes...
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    DWC Problem.

    72 for res temp is a bit high, should be under 70 at all times. Mine stay between 66 and 69 and only once reached 70, you might want to try and either get more air flowing around your buckets or covering them like me with the white/black backed plastic to avoid the black pulling heat into the...
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    1st. grow need advise W/ pics

    try these threads, lots of very usfull stuff and the DIY carbon filters can work well The $3 carbon filter - should work very well for...
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    PH fluctuation problems

    I had this same issue.... Turned out to be something in the water butafter a cheap run through a britta filter everythign has been good. PH rise over time is normal, but i dont think it should need to be adjusted...
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    First Hydro grow already hate PH!!!!

    Yep I did Pre soak my cubes for a day in 5.5 PH water prior to using them so this should not be what was causing the rise, but who knows.... it has stopped now but I am not sure if thats all the lime from the cubes are gone or if its the filtered water. I figure if I wont drink tap water with...
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    First Hydro grow already hate PH!!!!

    Hey Guys, I have been having issues for a week now with my PH rising each day from 5.5 to 6.6-6.8 this is city tap water, that i have been ph downing to 5.5 from 7.2-7.5 out of the tap. No nutrients have been used yet just water as they just have the second set of leaves staring. They are...
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    Single Shot Garden Hydro bucket

    Thing is I already own these, so no additional costs, I just want to know if I am thinking correctly about the water and air issue. These use an air pump to blow the water up in a drip system so there is some, just not a ton of air being put in the water. The only other thing I can do is...
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    Single Shot Garden Hydro bucket

    Hey All, Wondering if anyone has used these before, Single Shot Garden I got three of these and am going to attempt my first grow with them. My worry right now is air, once the roots grow out and hit the bottom of the bucket...
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    First Grow

    I have had some sucess, I put in powered intake vents (cheap$20 fan power floor register) and moved my ballast out of the room, now ambient of 74.3, and hovering 80 under the light. The plus side my bedroom does not feel like a freezer now, as I was able to raise the temp on the AC! Night time...
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    First Grow

    What exactly sounds complicated to you? The hydro setup? I contemplated using soil but figure hydro in the small space will help produce more, if I can keep PH and nutes right. Its my first round so if the hydro system does not do well I will go with something simple next time like soil. I am...
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    First Grow

    Hello All, This place seems to be jam packed with great information, so glad I found it. Anyway, I just germinated my seeds, and have been running my closet for just over a week to ensure I have temperarture lights and exhaust just right for my new babies. I got one Sensi Star and two...