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  1. SH4RP

    happy 420 my fellows!!!

    Fuck yeah man lol im high as shit right now... normally i dont get this high but man me and my friends are chillinnnnnn my mates makin burgers and shit too
  2. SH4RP

    Rant: Why do people lie?

    I'm 19 and a male, thank you very much...
  3. SH4RP

    Rant: Why do people lie?

    It seems more and more people are resulting to lying to make themselves look better or cooler than they really are. First off, may I state that I myself lie on occasion - everyone does. I lie to keep myself out of unnecessary trouble or to keep myself from getting in an argument etc. But when it...
  4. SH4RP

    My Take on Marijuana

    Asking a question pertaining to weed has nothing to do with age... As with in other posts, I've explained that I've only just started smoking, same with my friend.
  5. SH4RP

    List of stoner movies?

    HAROLD AND KUMAR!!!! It's been my favorite movie ever since it came out what... 5 years ago, even when I didn't smoke, it's the fucking best movie ever.
  6. SH4RP

    My Take on Marijuana

    ...True that, lol...
  7. SH4RP

    My Take on Marijuana

    Nah, As stated around other parts of the forum, I'm 19... The blog is going to become a money maker in time, I'm trying to get some traffic by other tactics, including attracting a younger crowd - I suppose I should have stated so in my original post.
  8. SH4RP

    My Take on Marijuana

    Check out this post I just made on my blog about my opinion of marijuana... Alright yall, listen up - A touchy topic this evening. Before I start, I will admit that at this time I am high (although only off a few hits, so only a little high, buzzed if you may). I’m sitting here eating brownie...
  9. SH4RP

    Can weed make you blind?

    Simple as that - can smoking a large amount of a certain strain of weed (or a variety, whatever) and go temporarily blind from it? My friend said it happened to him once, and my other friend says its not possible, whats your take?
  10. SH4RP

    Toking up + Homework/essays?

    How does your smoking affect your school work? Right now I'm doing something for a biology course I'm taking (just basic stuff out of interest, mostly) and I just blazed out 20 of 55 pages of worksheets in a matter of 30 minutes, this shit is so easy now lol, I almost feel like a genious...
  11. SH4RP

    The Rep-olution is Over.....We have been crushed by the man!!!

    The rep button is still there and it still works... what's all the fuss about...?!
  12. SH4RP

    My new weblog

    Check out my new weblog... It's brand new so bare with the low amounts of content/posts. I'd appreciate any feedback you have to offer! Check out my weblog - Papa Jesus's Saga I apologize if this is the wrong forum or if this is against the rules, but since it's unrelated to RIO and won't...
  13. SH4RP

    marijuana overdose!!

    Put it this way: You can die easier from water OD than weed. LOL.
  14. SH4RP


    C'mon, nobody?
  15. SH4RP

    Freezing Cannabis

    Freezing? Sounds crazy... I may have to give that a try ^-^
  16. SH4RP

    Two men busted for drying cannabis

    Does a microwave even fucking dry shit out?
  17. SH4RP


    There's tons of active users on here 24/7, so why not start up an IRC channel or even use a program such as flashchat etc...? I'd love to chat it up live with some other people here, I think that'd be pretty cool...
  18. SH4RP

    White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

    Looking good man, keep up the good work, *subscribes to thread*
  19. SH4RP

    Synthetic Urine... any experience?

    LMFAO Find a friend or something (as stated above, who's male, assuming you're male) to do it for you... Not that hard ;)
  20. SH4RP

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    Damn brother, nice looking grow, I just read every single page of the 77 pages of this thread, you better damn well share some with me.