Search results

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    Super Soil Results

    I thought all the organic/ SS user could appreciate this. A little reassurance I think and id say the one of the reason's organics are superior. -over 120 different terpenes can be manufactured by Cannabis, some only in trace amounts with others in double-digit percentage -produced in the...
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    Tea Time!!

    Im new at brewing tea's but im a organics guy and would love to start a new resource for anyone from a novice to a long time tea maker, brewing specific teas based on the maturity and health of the plants "tailor made teas". More info will come sorry I dont have the time now. Oh and everyone...
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    Compost VS Humus

    Ok sorry guys im just one of those people that feel like they learn nothin unless completly understood. if that makes sence anyway... Ok my question is can anyone explain the entire process it could even be a forum you would like to start and I will follow. What i mean ok I know sub has the SS...
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    TGA By Others

    finally KABOOM
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    Compost VS Humus

    sorry for the lack of activity and thank you for the great information. Rep for all knowledge forever!
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    Compost VS Humus

    "You cannot give Reputation to the same post twice." :-P. ok thanks I was thinking along those lines thanks again for clearing up.
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    Compost VS Humus

    Ok i have a couple of ideas on the difference from all the technical jargin i have found but just wondered if anyone could lend there opionion. thanks in advance
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    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    what i was talkin about was around 6:44 and yeah might be dew just figered i would ask. good shit though their lovin life =]
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    Nice =] def. need to post those bad girls
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    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    Is there thrip damage or is it just a weird reflection?
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    The Daily Bud

    Sub I might have just missed it but are there any picks of kaboom on here?
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    TGA By Others

    k =] . I was at the club last night and im like damn I have never smoked kaboom shit I havent even seen anyone with it. Then my friend goes and buys two packs lol =]
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    Super soil with out ROOTS organic

    If your in michigan look up the M3 dirt. "stuff is champ"
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    quick question about geurilla grow

    I like to do 3x3. Line the inside on the hole with felt. So im not feeded other plants. Then just let her go
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    quick question about geurilla grow

    depends on how big they are right now and how big you want them.
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    TGA By Others

    Anyone got some bud porn of Kaboom?
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    Temp got to 57 in my flower room, turn my white hairs RED!!!

    Its will be fine. No Powder Mildew use to do the same thing to my plants. Just her way of telling you thats shes stressed
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    Two 1,000w or two 600w in my grow box??

    The reason your friend said that was probably because X2 1000w would effectivly cover the area without you having to worry about supplimently lighting. And yes your yeild would increase if your the condition were right. Most people measure their success by grams per watt. Say you get 1 gram...
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    Temperature control

    because if so you could put a AC unit in the bedroom window. use the bedroom to moderate the temp of closet. "cause its easy to get the bedroom one temp/humidty/Co2 lev" then jsut exchange the air between the two.
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    Temperature control

    you could.... but you will then have to filter the air coming in and you could never really have room control cause you have no control over the outside air temp or humidity. Even if you put a control on the fan that would turn it of at a certain temp. the C02 levels wont be optimal..... is it a...