Search results

  1. G

    Looking for Marijuana medicine that doesn't have side effects

    Not sure exactly when it would be... but if u can find the time that the CBD is at its peak production vs the other chemicals. It might be as easy as harvesting your plants when the (forgot the term) resin is more milky/clear as aposed to a full milky or milky/amber color.... im a noob but i...
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    E-cig vapping!!

    haha my fatherinlaw wanted me to find a way to make his "e-cig in to a e-joint".... sure he would love it if there was a easy way to do it at home.
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    Good medical seed strain for Arthritus/pain?

    Cool will check the site out tonight. Tnx
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    Good medical seed strain for Arthritus/pain?

    Anyone know of any good medical seed strains good for arthritus and pain. I tried Aroma from CH9 and they where pretty good.. worked great for my uncle-inlaw and father-inlaw. Some one i know has a child that has Dermatomyositis and has...
  5. G

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Herd blueberry are nice... not as good as WW but they still nice. I like the Aroma from Ch9 good high and pretty potent, and cheap. 5fem seeds for $30, 10 fem for $55... has a great smell... not to strong while growing but when they...
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    Sea of Seeds reputation

    ive ordered from SoS 3 times and like most when the got here i was like WTF is this... opened it and found seeds... can't complain when i think its a book or cd or some other thing some one sent me.. As for germination rates... i have had all my seeds from SoS germ, lost one do to me dropping...
  7. G

    New scrog grow 2 tote box containers

    one question i may have overlooked .... my cfls hand down as in picture .... I herd that most of the light given off from cfls come from the sides... am i loosing to much light having it set up like this or will the reflecting off the sides of box make up for it.. Was thinking of getting a few Y...
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    New scrog grow 2 tote box containers

    Guess i cant reserve spots and post but o well haha. to much WoW days. update on plants 2weeks 2 days old.... with some cilantro, basil, oregeno, and 2 others for wife haha. Box 2 with the 3 indoor Box 1 with the SK, Fab13 and indoor mix mixed fem seeds...
  9. G

    2ft deep 4' to 8' long grow space help

    I worry about the tube lights seem so easy to break the CFL seem to be a little tougher, Ive herd mixed results from LED and i know nothing about them. Dont even know where to get them lol, could maybe get a buddy to make a led light for me but dono where to find the bubls even good o'l radio...
  10. G

    2ft deep 4' to 8' long grow space help

    seedling box on top left with 4 5kcfl plus 1 3500 cfl in 2x3x3 area growth box with same light set up or a metal halide but box hight be higher ( thought with cfl i could train them to scrog better by a little more strech then with MH light) Finish growth/start flower box 2x3 then 5ft high and...
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    2ft deep 4' to 8' long grow space help

    would a 400 HPS be to much for the space... id have to have alot of air flow with it to keep it cool.
  12. G

    2ft deep 4' to 8' long grow space help

    I have a space can be 2ft to 8ft long and up to 8ft hight but only 2 feet deep. Right now i have 2 steathscrogs from 2ft tubs but i would like something more secure and stable. Only using cfls for the scrogs but i can pick up better lighting. 1. what would be the best setup for a grow space...
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    New scrog grow 2 tote box containers

    reserved reserved
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    New scrog grow 2 tote box containers

    reserved reserved
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    New scrog grow 2 tote box containers

    reserved reserved
  16. G

    New scrog grow 2 tote box containers

    Starting off with 2 18gal i think maybe bigger i forgot(got last yr) $5 each, put mylar emergency blankets $3 each on the inside of them and sealed edges with foil tape $8. Used some spare wood to construct a frame for 5 porcelean ceiling light fixtures $2 each. 25ft of wire $11 and a cord with...
  17. G

    Can i use foil as a mylar substitue? pics included

    mylar emergency blankets are about $2 each for a 60" by 48" i think it is. Reflects a little more light then just painting and any water that gets on it dont soak in to the wall. Asfar as i know it the blankets dont create hotspots but im using cfls so i dont really have any heat issues. I've...
  18. G

    Can i use foil as a mylar substitue? pics included

    Used 2 emergency blankets from walmart, some foil tape from walmart and ducttape. had 2 plants and 5 cfl to make a stealth scrog. 1st time trying it and got a very strong high but only 3.5 gram total from both(winter came sooner then expected). The emergency blankets work great and only cost $2...
  19. G

    First grow

    I'm no pro but i know from personal experience, a easy way to know if you need to water or not is to push your finger down in the soil some. If its wet 1-2 inch down wait till its dryer. Ive always had a problem of overwatering plants. Seems this is the only sure way i can do lol. When you water...
  20. G

    Ch 9 Jack freebee

    Figgured the freebies where the way to go for experimenting lol and Jack seems like a good plant to grow like this, short flower time, high yield, med size plant with a longer lasting buzz. Only down side is the taste but tasty plants come later lol. Hope to get a few clones going b4 i leave...