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  1. SpadeWicked

    To Germinate or not to?

    ^yeah if it doesnt get cold in time unless your runnin it in the house
  2. SpadeWicked

    To Germinate or not to?

    man its kinda late to get started in my area
  3. SpadeWicked

    ␦What You Roll? and what is the definition of a short message, are you serious this is...

    ␦What You Roll? and what is the definition of a short message, are you serious this is suppose to be a good page Try an guess the flavor, smell the windowscreen this is way over ten characters...
  4. SpadeWicked

    ␦What You Roll...

    ␦What You Roll? Try an guess the flavor, smell the windowscreen ~SED
  5. SpadeWicked

    Leaves twisting

    actually no not useless out here in mississippi what they do is fly around with helicopters with heat sensors or w.e u wanna call it to catch the heat off marijuana so i dont grow tomany together i grow like 2 plants in one area of the woods go out another bout 50 too a 100 yard from the last...
  6. SpadeWicked

    Leaves twisting

    if this is ur first time growing imma let you know that your going to have to have ur pH value about at 7.0 i keep mine around there also what kind of lights are you using?? do u use a heat lamp?? because i been growing for about a year and a half now and when i started growin mine in my room...
  7. SpadeWicked

    Keepin It Short

    Let's see alright I have a couple sprouts and I been growing for about 1 year and a half now to be precise 17 months and like I been trimming the roots of my plants to keep em short but I never thought about it till now but does that affect the Bud in anyway? No Right?:confused: