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  1. S

    Abundancy Problem

    Hi, i remember when i got the problem with the 100% RO-Water years ago, i went to an aquarium-dealer to tell him my problem (when you got an aquarium at home, you need to manage the pH too.). He explained to me the "hardness" in the tap water: i don´t remember every detail but there are 2...
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    Abundancy Problem

    hi, 100% RO is not an option... you won´t get a stable pH because you have no Calcium in the water... trust me i´ve tried it years ago... the pH will drop to 4 and trying to raise it with pH+ will only help for few hours... and it will cause a massive Calcium deficiency... They main problem is...
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    Abundancy Problem

    Hi, i am a romanian grower for 5 years and I think its my 11th grow now. I started directly with a hydro system (aeroflow – I think its more a nft than a hydro system) and I still have many problems. So I hope I can get some useful information here. But first my setup: 1 x 400W HPS Lamp 1 x...
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    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Hi, i am a romanian grower for 5 years and I think its my 11th grow now. I started directly with a hydro system (aeroflow – I think its more a nft than a hydro system) and I still have many problems. So I hope I can get some useful information here. But first my setup: 1 x 400W HPS Lamp 1 x...
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    True HP Aero For 2011

    Hi trichy Bastard and company, i´m following this thread for some time now and i´ve decided to try it too. i have to admit that i didn´t read all of the thread (it´s too much) but i think that i´ve caught the basic idea. I´m from germany and i´m trying to get all the stuff i need to go hp aero...
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    EC drives me crazy

    ok, but the point is that i´m in the last flowering week but there is no brown hair and the ec is raising. I thought a raising ec indicates that 1. water is evaporating because of high temperature 2. the plants do not "eat" enough... can anybody explain to me why my plants dont get finish and...
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    EC drives me crazy

    hi, i´m in the end of flowering (last week) but all the little hairs are still white:shock:... look at the pictures: the strain is an AutoMazar (Dutch Passion). At the beginning i had some trouble with Magnesium deficiency (now i don´t) and temperature (above 30°C). i guess because of the...
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    a GOOD GROWER KNOW his plants

    ok, i have forgotten to tell: when i put the ec of the fresh nutrient solution exactly at 1.8, it is NOT stable. sometimes the plants behave like discribed in 1. and sometimes like in 2. so there ist no balance at level 1.8 thats why i don´t understand my plants....
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    a GOOD GROWER KNOW his plants

    Hi, i have a question according to the ec level: people say that a good grower know his plants. i have experienced that, when i mix a new nutrient solution, my plants react in two ways: when the ec level of the fresh nutrient solution is ABOVE 1.8, the plants will consume more water and...
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    My Plants dont look well... Please Help

    when using straight RO with Ca & Mg... is the pH stable? when i prepare my nutrient solution and set the level to - let´s say 1.5 - including RO water and the whole canna line and canna mono Mg & Ca: after a few days the ec level will decrease to 1.2... which nutrients should i add again...
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    My Plants dont look well... Please Help

    when using straight RO with Ca & Mg... is the pH stable? when i prepare my nutrient solution and set the level to - let´s say 1.5 - including RO water and the whole canna line and canna mono Mg & Ca: after a few days the ec level will decrease to 1.2... which nutrients should i add again? the...
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    My Plants dont look well... Please Help

    hi again, ok, i took some pictures of the hole plants, but the light was still on... at the moment, the plants are 50cm tall and according to the web site of dutch passion the will get up to 80cm! but i´m in week 6 now and shouldn´t they start to bloom? i can definitivly discard a fungus...
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    My Plants dont look well... Please Help

    Hi, to avoid misunderstandigs: i grow with a nft-system, so its hydroponic or aeroponic (don´t know exactly how to classify the aeroflo system). I´m not growing in soil. I experienced in my first grow that using only water from reverse osmosis doesn´t work because the pH is not stable and...
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    My Plants dont look well... Please Help

    Hi, i´ve read in different books that the optimal pH-value for hydro and aeroponics ist between 5.2 to 6.2... i manipulate the nutrient solution until i get into this interval. would you recommend a specific value? I have read a lot about the "optimal pH" and i´m quiet confused: i´ve found...
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    My Plants dont look well... Please Help

    Hi, well thank you for your answers so far... my first grow was a white widdow (Greenhouse Seeds) and i harvested 90grams (2.5 OZ) of low class weed with 10 plants... But strange was the fact that the buds were build after reducing the light to 12 hours until a certain point (i think the...
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    My Plants dont look well... Please Help

    Hi, I´m from Europe but nobody can help me at the local forums... it´s worse: there they told me so much different things that i got confused and my first grow was a mess... didn´t harvest at all. so i hope to find here more experienced and sophisticated growers :lol:... my problem: look at...